
Avatar I was browsing the list of autograph-signers at the National Sports Collectors Convention, and it is quite an assemblage of legit HOF Dudes plus several Guys and some random "played in Clevelands," but I guffawed at the "Entertainment" list.
Randy Quaid is absolutely not up to getting through a full convention without making everyone really uncomfortable. I wish him luck, though.
There's a few of the athletes on the list with whom he would probably find common cause. I hope the "Cool Runnings" guys are in a very distant room of the convention center. I also smile at Chevy Chase being told that these are his peers in the industry.
I wanna go to see if the Cool Runnings guys can still do their signature bit, being cold
Walks out of the bathroom, loudly announces that the shitter's full. He is not referencing a prior film role of his.
Between him and Chevy Chase, there’s absolutely gonna be a lawsuit of some kind
I would read a long form article on how they decided on the order of that list - real "puppet show and Spinal Tap" vibes
He's going to get mad and bite off someone's finger.