
Democrats will shift polling on immigrant rights when we start boldly, proudly defending immigrants. Defending immigrants is patriotic (every migrant is a foot vote for America) and freedom-affirming. MAGA Republicans hate and betray the American tradition of welcoming immigrants.
One reason why the polls are underwhelming on some things -- and we saw this with impeachment -- is that Democratic leadership doesn't take advantage of partisanship. If they signal strongly the party is adopting a position on something, uncommitted or opposed Dems in the polls may fall in line.
Republicans are such a weak, pathetic lot that they're frightened of people seeking a better life. They have no faith in America to accommodate diversity. Biden betrays his base by endorsing this MAGA message about immigration.
I think your first post is more on the money. The fact is, the base is ignorant about the topic and Biden, public servant that he is, goes with what he understands his mandate to be. Maybe he’d spend political capital to sway the opinion, but being constantly shat upon by allies he has none to spend
If they are here, make them citizens and have them start paying taxes. Shit, a lot of them already have a Tax ID Number.
My mom, an immigrant herself (albeit one who did go through the processes to come here legally) said that if the only crime an illegal immigrant committed was coming here illegally, then the appropriate punishment should only be a fine and payment of missed taxes.
I'm rereading The Grapes of Wrath (last time wax 40+ years ago) and the hate which the migrants from OK faced on arrival in CA seems really familiar to today's events.
Probably not helpful in terms of messaging, but it would also be really helpful if, when the climate refugees really ramp up, a system was already in place to handle the numbers.
There needs to be an easier way to say "I don't like this but I can see why it happened" that doesn't make people think you secretly support it
I think that ship has sailed. With luck, it returns to port in 6 months.
A noble hill to die on