
From my piece today on why I can't stomach the right-wing Republicans suddenly claiming they care deeply about antisemitism:
These are the same people who have spent the past several years bitching about wokeness, social justice warriors, and critical race theory AND dismissing concerns about actual Nazis. But they’re just so darn worried about Jewish safety, you guys!
I don't understand how their followers interpret their performance in this regard - I sure don't understand how they have it both ways.
Because they cannot act in good faith...ever? Same as always
So hard to trust a group that adopts trump’s methods and morality.
And let's not even get into the right wing evangelical millenarianism angle
Yeah, the same Elise Stefanick who has pushed the Great Replacement theory...
I’m really stupefied by the fact that nobody’s hammering this point home. Y’a don’t get to do an antisemitism by peddling theories about super powerful Jewish forces that are replacing white oriole and then get to pretend you’re the righteous champion of Jewish people on campus.
*people, not oriole. Pretty sure she doesn’t care about birds.
As a non-believer, the sudden concern about antisemitism appears to evangelical/Christian nationalist support for a Jewish state so they can deport Jewish people when they declare the US to be a Christian state.
This is why the gop are superior at tactical politics. They have key understanding of opponents weakness and can grab the media initiative creating a steady drumbeat of stories that tar their opponents
The "deeper principle" is that you "need" the Jews back in Israel so the Rapture can happen and all the Jews can go to hell. Either they believe it, or they're coddling those who do.
its antizionism. thats what they care deeply about. the dumb republicans don't know the difference between the terms. the smart republicans who know the difference ignore it because weaponizing incompetence is the only true way to climb the ranks in the grand ol party.
It's the same BS as when they say "chanting 'Black Lives Matter' means you want to kill al white people" (except they do care about [some] white people).
That's how they gain power in academia and how to silence everyone but their fascist/zionist allies. Fertile ground for trump's today's. So falls higher education. We are on track for another [3rd] Reichian event.