Sarah Darer Littman

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Sarah Darer Littman

MG and YA novelist, Sydney Taylor Honor book SOME KIND OF HATE, BACKLASH, and many more. Teacher, dot connector, columnist, chocolate eater.
Let them eat commandments
The governors of a dozen Republican-led states — AL, AK, FL, GA, IA, MS, OK, SC, SD, TX, UT, WY — opted out of a new federal food assistance program, leaving about 9.5 million students without the aid this summer
Republican-led states are blocking summer food benefits for hungry Money for food is especially tight for families in a dozen states where Republican lawmakers declined to accept federal food assistance.
About a decade ago when I was still a regular political columnist, I went to the police about rape threats I got on the Bad Place. I had to explain to the desk officer what The Bad Place was. 🙄
A man has been using Facebook to terrorize his ex and their children. He brags about it: “I want her to worry about who’s waiting on the corner.” But police do nothing and nobody seems to take it seriously. Chilling story from Stacy St Clair and Joe Mahr
How one man uses Facebook to frighten his children's mother and why police do An analysis of data from nearly two dozen Illinois police departments found police rarely arrest people for electronic harassment, even as complaints increase.
YES!! Keep talking about this non-stop to everyone.
genuinely hopeful sign that every big name GOP garbage monster is frantically trying to distance themselves from Project Say The Quiet Part Loud In an Easily-Digestible Bullet Point Format About Which There Can Be No Confusion. this means we should all absolutely continue never shutting up about it
McEntee for those of you who don’t know is a wildly misogynistic alpha male TikTok influencer who posts on an account called “Date Right Stuff.” He’s also a failed college quarterback who entered politics through via a Fox News job he got from his industry dad and a viral trick shot YouTube video.
Here's the announcement from Heritage that they've hired McEntee for their PRESIDENTIAL TRANSITION PROJECT. They note that McEntee headed up the Presidential Personnel Office for Trump at the end of his last administration. This is not complicated people.
Former PPO Director John McEntee Joins Project 2025; Personnel Database Launches | The Heritage WASHINGTON—John McEntee, former director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office in the Trump administration, is joining the 2025 Presidential Transition Project (Project 2025) as a senior ad...
Seems like "what parts of Project 2025 do you disagree with?" or "what parts of it are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal?" would be good questions for a reporter to ask the other elderly presidential candidate, but what do I know.
Second the rec for Support indie bookstores!
I want more folks to know about as an alternative to Audible or Spotify or other shady corps. It’s 100% employee-owned and works like Audible, except your credits support an indie bookstore of your choosing instead of Amazon. Go listen to a disabled author for Disability Pride Month! 💙📚
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Same audiobooks. Different makes it possible for you to buy audiobooks directly through local bookstores.
"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
My personal feeling is that in cases of sexual assault "I'm going to wait to see what else develops" is a fine, but if you loudly announce that what you're seeing is inadequate and not enough and should not be believed by anyone, that's not waiting to see what else develops.
My favorite part of the UK election coverage was the fact that, even though Reform was projected to win 18 seats and only gained 5, every Reform win was treated like a failure of democracy and I feel like we could use a little more of that on this side of the pond.
the four year old, mad at my wife: “you broke my heart into pieces and they rolled all the way to Legoland and we have to go to Legoland to put them back together” absolutely incredible work, kiddo, I am in awe
Liz Truss has gone! Labour took the seat! By just 600 votes!
We all have a role to play. Tell people about Project 2025.
ICYMY I have a poem in this! 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 Honestly didn't realize it was horror when I wrote it. Just thought it was a poem about a society where walls were built by and from your ancestors. 😆💀
It’s a pretty eye grabbing cover, but don’t worry, it gives it right back🧿 BRAVE NEW WEIRD: The Best New Weird Horror, Volume Two, is available now! Link up top⬆️ 🖤☠️
Final thought on the UK election in light of the tremendous crapstorms everywhere else in the world
Sent to me by a friend.
UK politics can be grim, but election night there with constituencies being largely ungerrymandered, losers standing next to winners of podiums, and the "election season is 6 weeks, not 2 years" default is incredibly wholesome
More inspiration from Across the Pond.
I wrote this Wednesday, drawing on search data and social media evidence. But I got anecdotal confirmation last night. I was a 4th party and spoke to an educator from a suburban district who expressed worry about "plan 2025 or whatever it's called."
Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but now it may be Trump's authoritarian game plan is breaking through to people who haven't heard of it — and it's scaring them
This is great from the Guardian: Analysis by the Sutton Trust suggests that Keir Starmer’s cabinet will have the highest number of ministers educated at comprehensive schools, and the lowest proportion in modern history who went to private schools.
It really is a weird symmetry that this year the UK elections are the 4th of July and the US elections are the 5th of November.
ELLE Magazine said my new novel is a "quintessentially millennial take on the return-to-campus novel, told with equal parts sensitivity and self-deprecation"! Read it here:
Maggie Thatcher's old constituency goes Lib Dem!
I got to vote in the UK this year and hoping the Lib Dems take my previously Conservative consituency.
Hot damn! Way to go, Labour!