
Kind of incredible that ProPublica documented that a raft of key witnesses in Trump's trials have gotten huge payoffs from his company and his campaign, and the rest of the news media was like "Eh, doesn't seem like a big deal, we won't bother looking at that"
Multiple Trump Witnesses Have Received Significant Financial Benefits From His Businesses, Witnesses in the various criminal cases against the former president have gotten pay raises, new jobs and more. If any benefits were intended to influence testimony, that could be a crime.
Also kind of embarrassing they they didn't figure any of this or the Supreme Court bribery out themselves. Or maybe they did and just didn't think it was a story, like the flags.
Great point. Massive criminality validating other criminal charges? Yawn!
Going by the upside down flag thing, that’ll be a few years from now
Judging by how fn old he is he'll be lucky to see 1 year... at least, that's what I just heard from his likely cellmate... Turner Brown.
On my NYT homepage at the moment there’s no mention of it whatsoever. If I weren’t online, I’d have no idea.
guessing that in about a week the NYT will run one story on page A15 basically regurgitating what ProPublica reported and then claim they've covered the issue.