
"the second American Revolution...will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" Maybe it's time to call the right's bluff.
The RW media already did one round of quoting each other calling a Trump prosecution "Crossing the Rubicon", in spite of what that actually means.
They're rebelling against TFG not being president. So now everything is broken. So Bannon says, destroy the Administrative State. Now they have. All are happy. It's the last thing the radical r w evangelical repubs needed. Thx 6 SCJ's. Sad.
Thank you for writing about this while most of the Post and all of the Times articles are still about trying to get Biden to quit running
The American right has been an openly revolutionary movement since 1994 and we are so deeply propagandized that we believed that we live in a special country where that kind of thing just can’t happen so they must mean something else.
Kevin Roberts should be excommunicated. Mass calls to violence are pretty explicitly against Catholic doctrine.
"Alito seemed to agree with Windsor, who was posing as a conservative Christian, that the U.S. is locked in a culture war between liberals and conservatives, saying at one point that "one side or the other is going to win." ..." Christians emulate Iran's ayatollahs.
Secret recording puts spotlight on Alito's strong conservative views on religious The justice has consistently backed religious Christian groups in Supreme Court cases and has often spoke about freedom of religion being under attack.
They hate government. TFG & Bannon pulled all the govt haters out from the rocks they've been hiding under. It's the right time. Destroy the Administrative State. Their wish is coming true. They already think our country is destroyed. I'm sure they'll make it much better. 🙄
All of a sudden Wapo can see it. What changed?
You started paying attention to our coverage, apparently.
Revolution? As in, hanging the powerful from lampposts? These people better be careful what they wish for.
They are not fighting a 2nd revolution, but a 2nd civil war to ensure they can do absolutely anything they want to any one they want particularly if it’s profitable
“We’re rolling back the 20th century” “Thats funny, thats when most of the good stuff happened you psycho”
This statement is all I need to know.
I think the goal is just white wealthy oligarchy brought into existence by aggrieved not wealthy whites who think entirely incorrectly they will be rewarded for their support
Thanks for continuing to notice the important stuff almost the noise.
That one asshat said something like "America as a Propositional Nation" so it all goes back to Jeffersonian v Jacksonian. They want a blood and soil America as defined before the 1965 immigration law changes.
Corrupt and/or dumb Republicans on the US Supreme Court gave Trump the green light to kill as many liberals as he wants if he becomes president again. Easy to win a debate when you murder all members of the other side.
Heritage loves a rapist fraudster convicted felon. There is nothing good about the Heritage Foundation.
Evil rich right-wing assholes who control many media companies keep the Republicans close to political power. There is nothing good, decent or patriotic about these Republicans.
The horse dewormer eating Republicans can't really blame their stupidity on liberals. They freely choose to be dumb and evil. "Covid death rates are higher among Republicans than Democrats, mounting evidence shows"
Studies consistently find higher Covid death rates among Republicans than Lower vaccination rates among Republicans could explain the partisan gap, but some researchers say mask use and social distancing were bigger factors.