
And remember, the Christian Right only took up abortion as a topic after they lost school segregation for good when the IRS went after Bob Jones’ U status, & needed a new issue to rally the troops. 1/x all our issues are intertwined. 🧵
The United States has always been a democracy for some and a brutal authoritarian regime for others, and the effort to expand it to democracy for all has led to a 70+ year backlash culminating in SCOTUS claiming that kings are totes cool and also judges are the ones to coronate them
May be useful to say that an American Christian right is really born at that point. Where there’d been a U.S. Catholic politics rooted in the Church’s European conflicts of the 19th century on one hand and a Prot.-dominated U.S. anticommunist liberal right on the other, in the 70s a fusion happens.
The U.S. anticommie liberal right hadn’t ideologized ‘family’ and misogyny to anything like the degree the Catholics had, in other words — but once they got it, they got it.