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politico: extremism triumphs, darkness falls
Reposted byAvatar paul
This is terrible. They don't even know what this creative imagination dialogue engine is (it is most certainly not a search engine). And if they ask it, it will lie to them. Infuriating that people have emptied the word "facts" of all meaning. And continue to evacuate meaningful words.
Well this is grim
“[G]iven the racial shifts in the last decade on a global level and the rise of white nationalism, I think there are more McBrearity types around us than we want to admit. … These people are not outliers, they are the natural consequence of a white supremacist structure. …
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Photo of the finished green hair Tank Girl piece before she flies away to her forever home. She has been adopted! Watch at for a chance to adopt your own!
Reposted byAvatar paul
Auction ends tomorrow. 🙏
#PudgyHorse dons a pair of wings. 'Pegapudge', if you will. Brown pencil on plain notebook paper, 122 × 132 mm, 2019. This original artwork is available at auction this week, ending Friday 5th July. Link below and in profile. 🙏
Reposted byAvatar paul
I wrote this earlier, but it may be broadly applicable today. Accepting things you can't control doesn't mean giving in to hopelessness. Quite the opposite- it's a guide for how sleep at night after facing ugly truths. I sleep knowing I did what I could, and the rest is out of my hands.
Reposted byAvatar paul
The bartender says "sorry, we don't serve faster than light particles here." Two tachyons walk into a bar. The punchline comes before the joke You know what the worst thing about time travel jokes is?
Reposted byAvatar paul
Our very own Esther Wang spoke about the growth of worker-owned news outlets with Laura Flanders: "We're the ones who make the decisions about what to publish. It's all of us, the journalists, who decide how the company is run." Watch the full segment here:
Meet the BIPOC Press: Is Worker-Owned Media the Future of Journalism? YouTube video by Laura Flanders & Friends
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Reposted byAvatar paul
The irony is not lost on me that the Internet Archive’s existence is getting threatened because it loans books like a library, while for-profit and VC-backed companies are just stealing people’s content and making up excuses to validate the bad behavior.
Reposted byAvatar paul
It takes years to process what we already know. California is finally taking steps to restore some of the money Big Tech is sucking out from media's jugular; here's k.e. harloe with a good report, a Q&A with Matt Tinoco of LA Public Press
The big media Today: k.e. harloe, a freelance writer based in New York, author of the newsletter media x capital and the column Mediaquake. Issue No. 108 Pay the Journalists for the Journalism k.e. harloe Pay ...
no real time for this kind of thing lately, but managed nevertheless a sketchbook-doodles post on anti-IG Cara last night cheers to all the hard-pressed working artists attempting break from Meta
paul bowman (@pdbowman) | Cara - Artist Social & Portfolio couple of little heads
‘From my testing across 10 publications, it appears that currently, ChatGPT is often doing what its predictive text generation does best: predicting the most likely version of the URL for a given story — rather than the correct one.’
ChatGPT is hallucinating fake links to its news partners’ biggest Nieman Lab’s tests show ChatGPT is directing users to broken URLs for at least 10 publications with OpenAI licensing deals.
Reposted byAvatar paul
Swamp Thing is better than Man-Thing because swamps are better then men.
Reposted byAvatar paul
Sometimes, such small things as the cooing of a wood pigeon on a hot but gradually cooling summer's afternoon can be the most evocative thing in the world. I suppose that for me, it's also reminiscent of childhood days in Chiang Mai, where it would have been zebra or spotted doves instead.
Reposted byAvatar paul
Reposted byAvatar paul
Reposted byAvatar paul
Thor's helmet should emote like Asterix's, my only deeply held superhero opinion
Reposted byAvatar paul
It is NOT true that you become boring as soon as you leave your twenties, I for instance saw a HUMMINGBIRD outside my window yesterday morning and I am telling EVERYONE
Reposted byAvatar paul
becoming fully and irreversibly KRAZY KAT-pilled
Reposted byAvatar paul
Reposted byAvatar paul
Reposted byAvatar paul
‘All output from a LLM is a “hallucination” — generated from the latent space between the training data. LLMs are machines for generating convincing-sounding nonsense — “facts” are not a type of data in LLMs.’
i wrote precisely this up here 1. TOO MUCH venture capital $ with nowhere else to go 2. middle managers have to push the hype cos their C-levels love it very dumb BS and blatant lies ensue across tech the "tech" is now in the "knowing fraud" stage
Pivot to AI: Hallucinations worsen as the money runs Remember when AI had proper hallucinations? Eyeballs! Spurious dogs!
Reposted byAvatar paul
My latest cartoon for New Scientist.
Reposted byAvatar paul
If you try to meet the needs of the most vulnerable and marginalized, things improve for everyone. And that ought to be the starting point for all of our work in communities.
google news distributing anti-union lobbying operation Illinois Policy’s blog posts as if they were journalism — positioned ahead of actual news stories, in fact nothing new, of course, just an instance i thought i would capture and post today, for whatever it’s worth