
And remember, the Christian Right only took up abortion as a topic after they lost school segregation for good when the IRS went after Bob Jones’ U status, & needed a new issue to rally the troops. 1/x all our issues are intertwined. 🧵
The United States has always been a democracy for some and a brutal authoritarian regime for others, and the effort to expand it to democracy for all has led to a 70+ year backlash culminating in SCOTUS claiming that kings are totes cool and also judges are the ones to coronate them
To say nothing of who abortion bans harm hardest and first, always. Oh, I don’t have it in me to list all the intertwining ways all our issues are intertwined this time, I just don’t.
But it is every thing every step of all the things all the way down. Gender justice and racial justice and disability justice and queer justice and economic justice and all the things all tangled up together, always. Because that’s what kyriarchy is. That’s what it does.
“Kyriarchy” was coined by feminist theologian Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza in 1992 to describe her theory of interconnected, interacting, and self-extending systems of domination and submission—from “kyros”, master.
Kyriarchy encompasses sexism, racism, ableism, ageism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, classism, xenophobia, economic injustice, the prison-industrial complex, colonialism, militarism, and other dominating hierarchies.
Which is the whole point. All of us. Are in it together. All of us are impacted by this stuff and trapped in this unjust system that does not benefit ANYONE because even those who may ostensibly be “winning” in a game of domination and hierarchy have lost what really matters most. You know that.
The thing where I win by crushing you, by dominating over you? That is not humanity retained. What is now is not good for anyone. Another world is possible.
And don't let the daunting size of the problem stop you from doing what you can.
Remind me of this, which I keep handy when I need the push to keep fighting:
I learned a new word today! Thank you, Rabbi.
I wish they had lost on segregation, but it seems that is the entire motivation for charter schools & home schooling for many.
Hiding parental abuse is a non-trivial motivator to home-school. Patriarchal religious systems are *horrific* when it comes to victim blaming and letting abusers off the hook.
For many, yes, but I find that for most the motivation is religious education. Charter schools are for people who were going to send their kids to private school anyway, but they want the rest of us to pay for it.
My parents were like that. Religious education is the *public* justification. In private? "We're spending all this money so you don't have to go to a public school that's been dumbed down for the..." (you can probably guess the next word).
The USA was only ever secondarily a democracy -primarily it is a Republic. Even the Rome of the Caesar’s still referred to itself as a Republic for 100s of years after it had become first a Dictatorship under Julius Caesar and then Emperors for 400 years.
The words were and still are interchangeable. Etymology. Try that line on someone who doesn't read. It won't pass here.
Correct. For a tour de force I recommend this or their previous, still rather optimistic text.
This thread was exactly what I needed this morning. Thank you.
Note the average abortion nets $2500 in Revenue for Private Healthcare. The Average Live Birth nets $85,000 in Revenue. If we had universal health care, they would switch sides they would switch sides to cut taxes.
This historical narrative, while compelling (and advanced by a prominent historian), isn't accurate and has been debunked. Religious conservative coalitions focused on abortion before Roe and this accelerated well before 1978.
Sort of. The abortion thing can about as a hook for Regan to rope in Christians. Prior to that, the Baptists did not take a stand at all on abortion. Remember, Carter is a Baptist.
It was also seen as a great anti black policy, so there was much to be gained
May be useful to say that an American Christian right is really born at that point. Where there’d been a U.S. Catholic politics rooted in the Church’s European conflicts of the 19th century on one hand and a Prot.-dominated U.S. anticommunist liberal right on the other, in the 70s a fusion happens.
The U.S. anticommie liberal right hadn’t ideologized ‘family’ and misogyny to anything like the degree the Catholics had, in other words — but once they got it, they got it.
It's even more annoying, because by their own bible, they're all condemned to Hell. These were written by J. Brad Hicks in 2004. Brad went to seminary to become a priest until he realized the truth behind modern Christianity: they've all turned away from Christ, and are condemned to Hell.
You could just say Christians instead of Christian Right. Both shorter and more honest.
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There are amazing and wonderful progressive Christian communities all over this country. And hey, if speaking about abortion, the vast majority of every non-white evangelical religious community supports abortion access (yes, 68% of Catholics, even, yes) soooo
I often use "fundies", "theo-cons", or "Dominionists" to distinguish the dangerous ones from the good ones.
Thank you for this, Rabbi. I deeply appreciate the nuance.
As a pro-choice, pro-bodily autonomy (recovering) Catholic who is using every once of energy to stop those who have hijacked the word Christian for their hate-filled political agenda, thank you.
Thank you so much for acknowledging us ❤️
Idk dude, if Christian nationalists were better Americans, they would believe Congress shall pass no law respecting the establishment of a religion. And if they were better Christians they would believe his kingdom is not of this world.