
addendum: my tummy hurts :( maybe I shouldn't have jumped straight to eating several ounces of raw radish in one sitting it's so crunchy tho!
oh hey this is pretty good got enough of that firey radish-y taste to keep things interesting, but not overpowering like some of the little red ones texture's great too this feels tragically underrated as a crudité option, I suspect entirely because crudités are a french thing and daikon is not
There are no end of pickle-type things you can do with it. Kkakdugi is near and dear to my heart, but honestly, any quick pickle recipe you have in your back pocket will slap
ha ok, I'm now 3 for 3 on "post about daikon, someone independently tells me to pickle it" - we've had on post #1, on #2, and now you on #3 looks like a consensus, I gotta try it now! hell it's not like I'm short on test material, this thing's hueg