
I got one (1) hour of slep and now have a meeting in three minutes but FORTUNATELY I cannot be killed by ordinary means (so says the prophesy)
GOOD MEETING Am literally putting that in my Good Things That Happened This Week list in my planner
... Did you just have a day like my night when I got up for the webinar?! Hope you can catch up on that sleep! :-)
I am DEBATING going back to bed but I'm pretty sure all I'll manage is a nap before my next meeting sooooo I might just try to tough it out D: (This is also hard because I can't have caffeine, due to my heart condition. I WANT TO BE ABLE TO DRINK A COFY)
OH NO :-( Huge sympathies, coffee messes so badly with my insides that I've had to give it up. I miss it daily.
Oh hell no to no caffeine! All the sympathy Every bit of it ... maybe a very cold drink would help