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I dabble in comics, games, and socialism.
Then: Marvel, DC Comics, and Archie.
Now: Economic Policy Institute

Dog lover, coffee drinker, process enthusiast, hockey dad, trains over plains. #HoH 🦻🏻
I’m definitely part of an older generation of comics pros, having come up through the boom/bust of the 90s, and worked through the push to digital in the 00s and reboot frenzy of the 10s. But I read this and I can’t help but think, so…what else is new?
Marvel's comic book boss is calling for a "reset" of his company, and the entire comics "We as a group need to step back and accept that the world we are operating in is very different than the one before February 2020" says Marvel publisher Dan Bu
My new movie hot take is that Christopher Nolan films are tedious and boring.
Of course they a banned a children’s book about banning books. Book bans aren’t undertaken by caring citizens concerned about this or that topic. They’re about thought control and the suppression of ideas. And they definitely don’t want kids to understand that.
Book about book bans banned by Florida school Ban This Book by Alan Gratz banned in Indian River county after opposition from parents linked to Moms for Liberty
Reposted byAvatar Perazza
There’s a slim chance I might be in a position to hire an editorial/political cartoonist in the near future. Specifically for US-related issues around the economy and labor rights. Not a ton of work but paid. Feel free to share and/or DM me if you think you might be able to help.
Here is the proper viewing order for StarWars: 1. Clone Wars (Optional) 2. Bad Batch (Optional) 3. Andor 4. Rogue One 5. Episode 4 6. Episode 5 7. Episode 6 8. Mandalorian (Optional) That's it.
There’s a slim chance I might be in a position to hire an editorial/political cartoonist in the near future. Specifically for US-related issues around the economy and labor rights. Not a ton of work but paid. Feel free to share and/or DM me if you think you might be able to help.
I started losing my hearing when I was in my 30s, although I didn’t know it at the time. I thought that how my ears worked was just how all ears worked. It seemed completely normal to look someone in the mouth when they spoke. There are more people than you’d expect with poor dental hygiene. #HoH
If it's any consolation, Greenpoint is a giant toxic dump. Even more than the rest of New York!
Greenpoint oil spill -
"We disavow dangerous leftwing AI but support innovative right wing AI" lol what?
I read this as if they were all some sort of weird hockey fans.
One unexpected fun thing about being #HoH is that my dog, who is mostly a lazy dummy and not a service dog, has really stepped up to let me know when someone at the door or when a car is coming around a corner or things like that.
These corruptions build up - the graft, the double standards, the gaslighting, the self-dealing. After a while they not only cripple the institutions and the ability of those institutions to recover but also, ultimately, faith that those institutions are worth recovering. That’s where this goes.
It really seems so. Corporate America has such gold fever about AI that theres an absolute land rush to simultaneously use it and justify its use, regardless of its utility or effectiveness.
This is the entire plot of Rocky.
Oh man, I just heard. I didn’t know her well but she was at WildStorm while my wife was still there and we crossed paths briefly. So sad.
Perfect t-shirt. Someone please make that.
It might be worth noting too, in comics, that the advance really only comes into play if you sell a book. A graphic novel. It rarely (if ever!) is part of a standard page rate for a monthly comic where the publisher owns the IP (Spider-Man, Batman, etc.)
Yeah. I think ZUDA did some genuine good for a lot of artists. But it’s hard to look at the history of comics publishers and just ignore decades long patterns of IP theft.
I’m sure that in the end ZUDA was a financial loss for DC. The whole business model was pay up front for the comics and invest in the lions share of the IP long term. That’s 14K per comic, 18 comics per year…and then tank the line and revert the IP after 3 years because of a management change.
I’d love to know what that showed. At the time we had posted our contracts publicly. I think you could earn something like $14K per year max on the webcomic itself - which was a HUGE bargain from DCs side. And then there were rev share percentages on other stuff.
He gave you the blueprint for endless holidays...and you picked honesty.
The line “Since 1900, every time a Republican president has taken over, economic inequality has increased and the country has become more violent” really jumps out. I work at (creative) and we recently released a report that supports this 100%
Economic performance is stronger when Democrats hold the White The economy performs much better during Democratic presidential administrations than during Republican ones.  
If only I had seen this then. Apologies!
Oh my god. Brilliant.
It’s my dream job. Plot based on the lyrics of The Stooges’ Search and Destroy.
Freelance artists get the absolute shortest straw when it comes to their work. No unions, no protections, blatant exploitation…people are conditioned to place no value on their labor.
You would be appalled at how many artists - great artists! - forget this.