
man safeties are off from here through the election, i typically just block and ignore lowbie shitheels, but i have had my fill of smug vapid smarties who think they’re being clever by saying dumb and insulting shit, enjoy the wolves
I basically never respond at all and someone quote tweeted me rudely today and I was like fuck you don’t care for “I’m just a tiny little guy” shit, if you’re going to complain about my followers responding then maybe don’t pick a fight
I shall speak WORDS (snarky bullshit on social media) to POWER (a person who is chill enough to have a bunch of followers who I don't think will punch back)! Don't you dare OPPRESS (call out my shit) me!
also... do you think I control my followers, random rude person? they probably followed me because they liked a Discworld quote or I was on a recommended follow list or something they're going to make up their own minds about your behavior, that's on you
Your Discworld QOTD actually bumped rereading the series to the top of my list, there's a few I missed before but we got almost all of them in a big box from a lady who was downsizing! I spotted them off to the side when we went to pick up a bookshelf.
Of course, we went to get the bookshelf because we didn't have enough room for the books we had, so the trip ended up not actually solving the 'problem' we initially set out to solve.