
man safeties are off from here through the election, i typically just block and ignore lowbie shitheels, but i have had my fill of smug vapid smarties who think they’re being clever by saying dumb and insulting shit, enjoy the wolves
I basically never respond at all and someone quote tweeted me rudely today and I was like fuck you don’t care for “I’m just a tiny little guy” shit, if you’re going to complain about my followers responding then maybe don’t pick a fight
I shall speak WORDS (snarky bullshit on social media) to POWER (a person who is chill enough to have a bunch of followers who I don't think will punch back)! Don't you dare OPPRESS (call out my shit) me!
also... do you think I control my followers, random rude person? they probably followed me because they liked a Discworld quote or I was on a recommended follow list or something they're going to make up their own minds about your behavior, that's on you
I do like the idea of pneumatic tubes going off sending instructions that we would all then ignore anyway but it would be cool!
Hey, I’ve been following Micah a year now and never got my tube, to whom do I address this?
Send your report via tube.
Pneumatic tubes - You don't look as old as me?!
What does age have to do with appreciating pneumatic tubes?
There used to be a lot more of them.
I absolutely followed you for Discworld but stayed cause you're chill AF and absolute man-goals a lot of the time Extremely non-toxic masculinity!
It does feel like, depending on how someone got their followers, they are more or less prone to swarming. Discworld QOTD person is going to have far less direction over it than some shithead like libs of tiktok.
Your Discworld QOTD actually bumped rereading the series to the top of my list, there's a few I missed before but we got almost all of them in a big box from a lady who was downsizing! I spotted them off to the side when we went to pick up a bookshelf.
Of course, we went to get the bookshelf because we didn't have enough room for the books we had, so the trip ended up not actually solving the 'problem' we initially set out to solve.
I followed you because you reply to a bunch of people I already follow, and your comments are typically insightful and/or funny. The Discworld quotes are a nice bonus!
oh fuck I just relaized I *WASN'T* following you here yet, yay, that is now fixed.
I've mostly stopped commenting on comments on your posts, cause I'm a bit of a jerk, and attack jerks. Still enjoying reading them tho.
Attract, not attack. Although, I mean.
As somebody who likely will not (and has no interest in being) even a mid sized account I really don't get this attitude. There are people on the other end of these screen names. If you are an asshole it's crazy to expect them to be gracious about that for no reason
People get so weird in the mentions of people with lots of followers, and the threshold is lower on Bluesky than it was on Twitter -- I started getting Twitter 10k followers experiences on Bluesky around 2k. I wrote a thread about it a while back:
Okay, it's time again to talk about what the experience of having a social media account with a bunch of followers (*) is like. (* "a bunch" of followers is platform dependent. I'm getting irritating shit at 2k on Bluesky I didn't get until 10k on Twitter.)
I think on bsky there's something about the way it grew, given it was by invite, that the posts by people who Know Their Shit are much more widely-read at a lower number of followers.
It's also the thing where they put your replies on the timelines of your followers even if they don't follow the person you're replying to, which I fucking despise.
Engagement here is way higher than it was on Twitter, at least in my experience.
I'm wondering what the ideal number of followers is. I've certainly seen scornful mention of "people with under 100 followers", but not all of us were on Twitter before. I tried briefly about 12 years ago and couldn't stand the place.
It’s partly a measure of longevity. Lurk long enough, and at least 100 bots will have followed you.
I, an absolute nobody here, have blocked 99% of the accounts that follow me, because if you follow me without interacting with me first in any way, you’re a bot. It’s better that way.
You’ve interacted … … and I’m still waiting!
I seem to have been here five months. How long has the place been up, anyway?
Opened for limited registration early February 2023.
For me to follow you? I hardly ever follow anyone. *checks out your timeline* Okay, sure!
Kidding, but sure. 🤣 I’m really not terribly interesting.
I still am have a dormant twitter account and recently a couple of dozen "beautiful women" and a number of other bots followed me even though I don't post there
Your twitter presence is basically meaningless here unless you're some kind of celebrity.
I thought that the whole "someone with only 70 followers" thing was based on people carrying over their Twitter following and having had a decade or so to build that up? It seems above the threshold for weeding out bots. I wonder what my feed would look like if I copied it over from Instagram.
If someone only has a few followers and they just angry troll then it's generally a good sign they're only here to troll.
Under 100 seems like a rather high bar for that, I'd have thought. And of course if they're being dickish, just deal with that. *pets the block feature happily*
i'll pick up the slack and patiently engage with the shitstains so yall can block/put people on blast. in a way i'm not unlike another poster with 11 dedicated reply guys and one wrecker named je *turned into a comically large pile of salt on stage*
I got it all out of my system on Reddit and I just don't have the patience to do that anymore.
i am gods most patient transexual and will never get it out of my system
It's actually not that hard to not be a jerk to a stranger online! Almost all of us are doing it!
And those that aren't get blocked before they make much of an impression.