Petit Wallaby

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Petit Wallaby

She/her. Crocheter, digital artist, nature lover, NoAI
Happy terrible comic day!
Did you know that tomorrow, June 24 2024 is national make a terrible comic day? You don’t have to make comics every hour or a multi-page story, you just have to string a few panels together. It’s mandatory especially if you haven’t drawn anything for yourself lately and you miss it
Happiness is when you open the window the morning after the end of a heat wave and a nice, cool, not suffocatingly humid breeze comes in!
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Today's the last day we can afford to work on this because of funding struggles. The fridge is empty, bills are due, and the changes they keep making to twit are destroying our reach. We're running out of time and options. If you liked our patterns, maybe you could tip $5?
Happy pride, the city has given us a final deadline to remove our tiny home conversion from our property of July 1st! We are so close to done, but funds are short and we are struggling. Help two trans artists gtfo of West Texas, please?
Highly recommend this book, whether you’re autistic or not, it’s a great way to better understand your friends or family members’ struggles! The recipes are good but also the first half of the book is an exploration of the different aspects of food aversion and it’s fascinating!
🏳️‍🌈 Happy Pride Month, y’all!!! 🏳️‍🌈 Support this non-binary, demisexual queer by buying my book COLOR TASTE TEXTURE! (I even include an enby reference in my Signature Cinnamon Roll recipe)
Reskeet with a hobby that helps your mental health Crocheting amigurumi. I put on a movie or series and just zone out and work and at then end I have a cute plushie! 🧶
Reskeet with a hobby that helps your mental health (These are some images of food I baked or made for COLOR TASTE TEXTURE, some of these pictures appear in my book)
Derpy chubby frog! Crocheted by me. Based on the “Adoribbitsy” pattern by Crafty Intentions. 🧶
Goddammit! There goes my Sunday afternoon! I guess I’ll have to stop doomscrolling and go fold my laundry, then!
Magala was being particularly cuddly last night! That’s me trying to play on my Steam deck with this little sweetie resting her head on my arm! I was melting!
Trying to relax on my balcony but there’s like an epidemic of neighbours coming out on their balcony to scream their phone conversations. Why? If they step out for privacy, it’s a bit of a fail! The whole street can hear them!
If you see this, post something orange
If you see this, post something orange (Loved this tiny pratice amp)
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Here’s the thing: By sharing &udm=14 and, you are making it harder for Google to further enshittify its search offering. Collectively, we are putting sunlight on something they want to get rid of. It makes all of us search watchdogs. (From tonight’s piece:
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Massive sunspot group Active Region 3664 has grown in recent days to over ~200,000 km in size, large enough to span over half the distance between the Earth and the Moon. I can easily see the spot with eclipse glasses today from here in central Germany…no magnification required.
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Reposted byAvatar Petit Wallaby
Magala and I are enjoying a chill Sunday night stream with
I saw those solar flares with my own eyes but I didn’t have the equipment to take such a gorgeou picture! Thank you for preserving this memory!
7 years of planning went into this moment
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7 years of planning went into this moment
Update to the update (watch my instagram for VIDEO) #eclipse
Total eclipse! The street lights came on! It was AMAZING!!!!!
Making crescent shadows with a strainer
Noooooo! Go away clouds! Shoo! Shoo!
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Know what else died on a Friday and arose on Sunday? My work anxiety
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Still one of the pieces i'm proud of the most, my third giant mizutsune!
What a fantastic day to not set foot outside!
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It’s International Women’s Day! The day where my employer will multiply the empty gestures just after two of my female colleagues were harassed into quitting for having family responsibilities and therefor being labeled “unreliable”! Happy Women’s Day!
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We've made it! Not only is it Friday, but February is finally behind us. Come and celebrate with me in an hour as I go live playing a medley of indie games!
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