
Serious question, my naive impression of this response rate makes me skeptical of most political polling, at least in isolation. Is that a reasonable interpretation, or are their methods such that you think it accounts well for that?
They're trying! I don't know how well it's working honestly.
I think polling vs. election results gives us our answer. Basically "we're + - 10%" for any one poll. So many variables with various methodologies to me it's amazing when results are within 3% of a poll.
given the drop in response rate it's remarkable that the polls were more accurate in '22 than any other cycle going back to '98. ofc there's no reason this has to translate to '24 but I'm cautiously optimistic.
it’s not remarkable it’s luck
That’s been my impression, I don’t know the methods well enough to judge how well the adjustments are working. I guess no one really does until after the fact anyway.
A 1% response rate? Ooof.
So it's a poll of the "don't know how to screen calls" demographic?
Bear further in mind that landline phones are ringing off the wall for the entirety of the business day, from telemarketers.
Answering the phone 99% of the time is a scammer so I wouldn't even trust the poll results for anyone who DOES answer.
Most research methodologies are hampered by the fact that people who will participate in research are likely a kind of person. Personally I value research where participants are paid a bit more for this reason because “people who like or need money” is a larger group than “people who like polls”
Last time one of those market research things sent me a 50+ page survey and a $5CDN bill. I took out my phone, and set a timer for $5 worth of work. Never finished. They called me and were quite irate. I calmly told them my time is valuable, and if they want me to finish, I need $20 more (minimum).
Of note; I did not agree to do that survey, they sent it to me without my consent. In the end, I got $5, the research company got nothing, and have never sent me a survey again since. win/win/win!
Ya totally. i don’t know about where you are but here legally if someone sends you something unsolicited it is yours to keep without obligation
Yeah when I am talking about paid I am mostly referring to focus groups. I think we pay folks over $100 to participate in those as a rule
We will create valuable data by cold-calling people on cell phones.
irk? A national polling outfit, misspelling the word "religion' like that. lol