
"If we are calling for Biden to step aside because someone must stop Trump from bringing down the republic, then surely it would have made more sense to first call for Trump to step aside?" h/t
people tend to treat liberals as protagonists in a movie and conservatives as the antagonists so we spend all our time going “actually, the lead character is mad problematic and not at ALL a hero” and practically no time on the fact that the villain is a fucking acid-spitting murder goblin.
~I'm concerned about Biden's age because we need to defeat the imminent fascist threat to the nation, which is why I spend 90 percent of my time talking about the first thing instead of the second. ~
I’d like to live in a world where trump says “oh? Okay, I’ll step aside then.”
Body-check him right into the penalty box
The Luis Carrero Blanco method worked for Spain
I'll settle for making him fume over the disrespect and exposing undecided voters to his incoherent whining.
I want Trump to drop out too. but his base doesn't expect him to. I am mad liberals are making excuses for their racist rapist.
If you're into wasting time with empty formalities guaranteed to produce no meaningful results, sure. But if you're aware that Trump is fundamentally anti-democratic in ways that Biden isn't then this kind of arch-liberal box checking sounds totally insane.
Obviously Biden/Harris is a winning team (by 8M votes) or literally everyone wouldn’t be trying so hard to take them down. #Vote
it's enabler mentality in an abusive system. blame everyone and everything EXCEPT the actual abuser, whose grossest foibles are minimized or normalized. the abuser's expectations for double standards for themself and everyone else are granted w/out protest.
I'm pretty sure the people calling for Biden to step aside are the same people who have been calling for Trump to be imprisoned. But the people insisting everything is fine ignored that too.
Some of them definitely are. Not all of them. But definitely some of them.
If the NYT had first run 200 articles about how Trump should withdraw because he is too old and deranged, after running 200 articles about how he should withdraw because he is a convicted felon, after 200 articles about he should withdraw because of calling for an insurrection etc... then maybe
That would be biased and unfair, amirite?
It’s almost as if both parties agree that trump was sent by god. One as a messiah and the other as a plague.
yeah they should probably do that first. if trump agrees then great. saves us a lot of work. if not then try biden 2nd?
Do you have a link to the portion of that piece which includes the quote you referenced? (Not seeing it in the screenshotted excerpt.)