
A Texas middle school teacher has been fired after reading an illustrated version of Anne Frank's Diary to her eighth-grade class
Did the students complain that it made them feel ashamed to be Nazis?
It’s an Antifa book, I guess.
I mean, it kind of is? Though the events recorded did take place when Antifa was called The Allies.
Fascism is bad. Reading Anne Frank is good. I don't think that concept is at all unclear.
The other guy I replied to in this chain blocked me lmao
Anti Facism. 2 WW fought by Americans and Democratic Allies to defeat Hitler, the SS, and Nazism. What the hell is in the water in Texas? Is learning about one families struggle to stay alive during a targeted campaign of genocide by the Gestapo considered too Woke for Texas parents now?
I wonder if the Republicans know everyone in saving Private Ryan was a antifa.
What do you tremble? Are you all afraid?
"Diary of Anne Frank" was one of the best books that I remember reading as a kid as a school assignment. It was also the first book I bawled after reading. Texas is fucked.
Texas is all good with toddlers in tiaras, but teenagers asking age-appropriate questions will get you fired. I don’t know how reasonable people continue to live in that state.
It’s really hard to just pick your whole family up and move to another state just because the current management sucks, abandoning your friends, your kids friends and classmates, etc
I’m not really suggesting they move; I’m grateful they are still there, because they’re our only hope. But I don’t know how they cope.
People say that it’s cuz it talks about sexual stuff and that it’s not appropriate for 12-13 year olds. My dude, Anne Frank wrote that when she was 12-13 years old. You think they haven’t experienced puberty yet?
Texas is wild… the good teachers are leaving/fired because their hands are tied. And now chaplains are sufficient school counselors. Completely f*cked.
It's like death by 1000 cuts. It's really wearing on me. What can we do? We have to fight fire with fire, but how? "Vote" isn't the only answer, it can't be. The right are masters of tearing society apart with their divisiveness. The left just sits by idly with an "aw, gee shucks" attitude.
This was required reading for me in Texas in 8th grade.
Good to know texas is finally outing themselves as being on side with nazis though
There really is no end to the insanity…we need to amplify every awful example
“While previous versions of Frank's diary omitted sections in which she wrote about sexuality, the 2018 graphic novel adapted by Ari Folman and illustrated by David Polonsky, remains faithful to the original text.” Teacher was reading an unapproved graphic novel. I wonder why?
“While district officials claim the adaptation of Anne Frank's Diary was not approved, it was included on a reading list sent to parents at the start of the school year, KFDM reports.” It was on the list sent to parents so one would assume it was approved.
No indication whether he read that part to them.
And? 🤷‍♂️ That matters?
Yes. He read to them. He didn’t hand out the book. If what he read was the same as the approved text, then the other content indicated isn’t the reason they fired him.
I suspect they fired him because it was not an approved text, for one, and he was likely making a statement by his choice of text, for another. He didn’t have to select this book, knowing it was unapproved and likely why. Play stupid games; win stupid prizes
Maybe he was selecting a more accessible version with images to keep them engaged instead of reading from the drier original.
This banning's in good company. "The unabridged version of Frank's diary has also recently sparked controversy in other Texas schools, including at Dallas-Fort Worth's Keller ISD  where it was pulled from library shelves last year, along with the Bible."
Omg, read that in 8th grade back in the 60's. What is wrong with people?
It's literally required by the state in many states WTF
I think it was overzealous to fire the teacher, BUT: This was not the Diary of Anne Frank, this was a graphic novel based on it, which had not been approved by the district. So the teacher was wrong, but the district majorly overreacted.
Eighth-grade girls have usually started their periods. Guess what part of the body that comes out of! We know our genitalia by then.
Since the person I wrote this in response took their post and went home, I’m reposting it here: My parents took me to see Schindler’s List in the theater when I was 9. I read MAUS, for school, in seventh grade. It’s a teacher’s job to notify the parents about potentially objectionable material 1/2
and have an alternative lesson available, not to self censor valid lessons. That’s prior restraint. A teacher should never have to bow to the overdeveloped morals of one or two parents in their class over those of their society as a whole. 2/2
It is never wrong to teach a book that is a warning about fascism and authoritarianism which has not explicitly been approved by your government.
Well, let’s be clear here: It is not “based on,” the text Frank wrote, but rather, faithful to the text Frank wrote. As in, not bowdlerized. And whether or not it was on approved lists is in dispute.
according to the article even the graphic novel, which was faithful to the book, was on the approved list.
I think a relevant question is "when did the book become not approved?" The district says that it wasn't, but based on the article it was on the list of books provided at the beginning of the year as part of the reading list. You'd think if they're so afraid of books they'd be proactive about it.
Partisan politicians should NOT have the role of dictating granular curriculum choices at local levels and in classrooms. The teacher must have reasonable autonomy to tailor content to the class as he or she sees fit.
This might be a too level-headed response. Let’s wait and see!
I was wondering that myself. It appears I took a nap while a stake and kindling were prepared for me.
Ah yes. America. Land of the Free. Except those things that some don't agree with....SMH Anne Frank. Seriously. I'm sorry but my American neighbours have lost their way.
Fascists are going to fascist. And judging by the replies defending the school's decision to fire the teacher, fascists are going to come out of the woodwork to defend fascist school district decisions.