
Iowa will not participate in a food assistance program for low-income families to help with child food costs while school is out “An EBT card does nothing to promote nutrition at a time when childhood obesity has become an epidemic,” the governor said
Iowa won't participate in US food assistance program for kids this Iowa will not participate in a federal program that gives $40 per month to each child in a low-income family over the summer to help with food costs while school is out.
What a boneheaded infected fistula of a woman. Starving a child is the very best way to cause future fatness. Fuck with their metabolism while they’re young, make them worry if they’ll have enough nutrients to grow up, congrats, their metabolism is fucked forever. May her immune system rebel.
One other aspect of utterly blinkered foolishness: children who are hungry experience a greater degree of learning loss over the summer than kids who have enough. And a hungry kid will not be able to violate labor laws safely. She’s creating a permanent under-caste.
I hope for only the worst for her in the future.
That is the goal, yes.
I assume that's the intention.
It’s almost as of the GOP want fat, dumb, and poor people in society. Oh. Wait…
Not having enough to eat leads to over indulging when food is abundant. The fact that I, a complete nobody, understands this more than our lawmakers is mind numbing.
It’s not even about over-indulgence. Literally, two children who are the same height and weight and eat the same food? The one who has experienced deprivation will store far more of those nutrients than the one who has not. Talking about over-indulgence is perilously close to victim blaming.
Don’t forget that cheaper food is high in sugar and fat and carbs. Veg and fruit are expensive.
100%. Imagine what it would be like if instead of planting grass and decorative bushes we had edible gardens everywhere.
The most insulting part here is that she’s NEAR the point: $40/month isn’t actually enough for a useful amount of non-processed food She’s just “fixing” it by putting a 0 at the front of the number instead of adding another one at the end
I never forget that. I can't.
I mean, I crave veggies but just as an adult with low energy living by myself getting SNAP benefits, it's not worth it financially to buy fresh produce because I don't have the energy to cook and even if I did, I couldn't get through it fast enough. But fresh prepared foods aren't allowed, so.
Cheaper _prepared_ food, perhaps. Cooking from scratch is cheaper, but those in poverty are either working (lack time to cook), disabled (lack ability), or lacking training in how to.
Oh, I did not mean it like that at all. I meant it sort of how people who lived through the great depression tend to stockpile food because they expect a famine. Based on the article the nice person below linked, it seems like that's what the metabolism is doing.
I got what you meant. My mom's early childhood was rural in her birth country. She had more than her peers (meaning folks poorer than her family) in that they had ENOUGH for EACH meal. Once you ate your share, nothing more. We kids grew up with the fridge stuffed: meals WITH desserts AND snacks.
I assume Kim Reynolds knows that and almost certainly revels in it. Massive generational harm to already vulnerable kids is, to your average GoP shitstain, metaphorical heroin.
I wouldn’t count on it, she seems to be the kind who thinks she is perfectly virtuous and all of her privileges are proof of her merit and worthiness as a member of the Elect. Her behavior is extremely Calvinist. And being that limited, she’s probably a “calories in, calories out” cultist.
"I'm righteous, therefore when I hurt people it's God's Will and I'm supposed to gloat about it!" - Kim Reynolds, probably. Regardless of how she justifies it in her mind, she's there for the hurting.
And, thanks to epigenetics (not to mention economics), they may pass the consequences to their kids as well...
… we need a whole hell of a lot more evidence. Mice are not humans, you cannot do the type of experiments that would prove it, and large population studies have far too many confounding factors. (Also, the eugenicists are happy to use epigenetics to harm people, so no ammo for them.)
It's not victimblaming, nobody is saying the victim is to blame. They are reacting rationally to a situation that has been imposed on them.
The word you might want to look up to learn more is epigenetics. When people experience food scarcity their bodies turn on and off different genes that can lead to changes in how their bodies process and store nutrients.
Wow. Thanks. I need to read up on this. I'm the child of a yoyo dieter and I wonder if this also explains the inability to maintain a healthy weight after starvation type diets.
Almost everything we think we know about dieting is less effective except to make lifetime consumers of diet industry products. It absolutely explains why people can’t maintain a low weight after starvation diets. (Fat people can be perfectly healthy; thin people can be perfectly unhealthy.)
Because AdHD I'm now going down a rabbit hole of comparing childhood poverty to a rise in obesity in the US and cross referencing both to the global market shares of the diet industry. Tl:Dr Capitalism is eeeeeeeevil.
Famine is an ever present threat for humans historically. It became adaptive to pack on fat fast when food is available & burn it slowly.The skinny were the first to die.Chronic stress presents a similar profile in metabolism— hold onto fat, eat more as threat=famine.Any wonder why humans are obese?
The metabolism also doesn’t know any difference between a famine and just being on Jenny Craig The more often you diet, the harder it holds onto every calorie you give yourself
Throw out the idea of a healthy weight. You can be healthy or unhealthy at any weight.
#HAES focuses on the factors that are associated with physical well-being: BP, labs, movement as one is able, etc rather than weight or BMI
Those starvation diets (“famine”) only gear the body up to regain the fat stores and to hold onto them tighter.You can eat, yet starve because no calories are made available to burn when in threat mode (“stress”). The goal is survival of the next famine(diet), gain lbs with subsistence metabolism.
There does seem to be some inheritance involved in epigenetics as well, but I'm not well versed on all this since I work in another corner of science these days. It's interesting stuff for sure.
May I ask a question? Does someone with a digestive disorder like gastroparesis have this happen to them too?
Guessing there's not enough research or it's a very specialized area but you might find out more by searching gastroparesis and metabolism. Possibly with famine as another keyword.
This is a very good answer, thank you.
Thank you! It's a seriously understudied condition. Knowing what to search for helps!
I forget who said it, but there's a quote that goes something like "it's impossible to make someone understand something when their paycheck depends on them not understanding it."
Upton Sinclair, while running for Governor of California. The exact is: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
He could be describing the entire republican party, today.
Yeah. Sinclair’s bid for governor was probably doomed — height of the Depression, as a Socialist — but oh, man, that man knew the depths of cruelty that both wealthy and poverty do to people. He knew how badly too much and too little break us.
The handling of the homelessness crisis in the SF Bay Area (among many other issues, local and national) strongly suggests this is a bipartisan issue.