James Latimer

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James Latimer


Recovering writer. Weltschmerz enthusiast. He/him.
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Factoid doesn't mean little fact, it means erroneous fact that is repeated so often that it is believed to be true so the idea that factoid just means a little fact is itself a factoid
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
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Reposted byAvatar James Latimer
Reposted byAvatar James Latimer
I will never forget the interview, shortly after Ozy Media Inc. was formed, where Carlos Watson said he named it after the poem, because "the lesson you take from [Ozymandias] is that you have to dream big." So that's why liberal arts education is important.
I should give an author the benefit of the doubt on research for a historical setting, especially one so specific, but when what's portrayed doesn't match my expectation or experience - especially in areas where I feel I gave some - nothing jolts me out of a story quicker.
I still say this would have been an excellent fit for the Ursula K LeGuin Prize for Fiction, but what do I know. Plenty of good books nominated, I'm sure...
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OK. Real talk time UK peeps. It's been a few days. I think we can assume the post-election hangovers have ended for the new government. So NOW is the time to be writing to your MP asking them to be progressive about Trans rights. 1/x
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Belated post to say I finally read Chandrasekera’s Saint of Bright Doors and loved it. V smart take on legacies of empire as filtered through a south Asian family saga / fantasy story that refuses the usual tropes. Recommended.
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In the UK, library memberships and check outs also lead to increased funding, and authors get paid for library checkouts, too! Libraries ROCK.
If you want access to free books, please get a library card. In the US, the more people there are with library cards, the more funding libraries have access to. Libraries provide more than books. They are a community resource. As an author and reader, I support libraries! #books #libraries
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eg: here are 6 US Kindle copies of @kbspangler.com's STONESKIN, which is one of my favorite books, and which I've given away more copies of than any other book. It is YA-suitable, and is extremely Andre Norton-esque, so read it, or find other people to read it. #KindleBookGiveaway
Also, many generous people give away ebooks for free using this tag!
I'm gonna leave the typo in because it adds authenticity.
"No wonder Britain has a housing problem if they're letting artists tear the facade's off perfectly good housing stock just for art!"
It's 2014; we're reading discourse about ebook piracy on Facebook It's 2017; we're reading discourse about ebook piracy on Reddit It's 2020: we're reading discourse about ebook piracy on Twitter It's 2024; we're reading discourse about ebook piracy on BlueSky
Oh great, the Tolkien lecture I was looking forward to has just popped up on YouTube...but I have no desire to watch it now for some reason.
I'm going to have to mute WorldCon posts, aren't I. 😥
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Back in 2016, I dealt with my stress over politics by writing my frothy feminist romantasy novella Snowspelled. From now until the end of tomorrow, in hopes that that kind of escape might help you, too, you can download Snowspelled for free at this link: bookhip.com/GHSMPAB
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Afternoon Update: The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida by Shehan Karunatilaka is worthy of the Booker Prize shortlisting. Maali’s ghost is both witness and reporter of humanity’s horrors. I am left haunted. A mix of ebook & audio (narrated superbly by Shivantha Wijesinha)
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The defenestrate counterpart!
Epiphanies you have while stoned when you're a boring nerd like me: i literally just realized that the "limin-" in "liminal" is the same as the "-limin-" in "eliminate". So "eliminate" literally glosses as "throw out of the door."
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Reposted byAvatar James Latimer
Reposted byAvatar James Latimer
“The furnaces of the world are now burning about 2,000,000,000 tons of coal a year [adding] about 7,000,000,000 tons of [CO2] to the atmosphere yearly [making] the air a more effective blanket for the earth & to raise its temperature. The effect may in a few centuries. be considerable.” - March 1912
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A genuinely interesting list, not at all the far too commonly recycled 'stale, pale and male' selections. This doesn't mean it ignores the history of the genre though. We will doubtless disagree with some rankings and spot omissions according to personal preference, but worth a look regardless.
I wish we could all just talk about books but, you know, the many-headed apocalypse and all that...
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Reposted byAvatar James Latimer
I talked to someone a few weeks ago who insisted that AI was good because it allowed poor, uneducated, and disabled people "to tell their own stories!" And I was just like, they can already do that None of the barriers to inclusion marginalized people face are helped by AI We can already write
It particularly drives me mad when they claim AI allows disabled people into the industry...a large % of the arts industry (like me) ARE disabled, and work as freelance creatives in large part because we aren't accommodated in 'regular' work environments. AI is taking away our only available income.
It's RIGHT NOW and I didn't hear about it until RIGHT NOW.
REMINDER this is tomorrow! It contains an one (1) me, a large bugge, and an one (1) @mattfnwallace.bsky.social , who is tiny and dainty and wee. We will be discussing war, writing, publishing, and whatever else we can think of! Free, virtual, 12 pm MT/7 pm BST! www.crowdcast.io/c/nhd6hu6mb8ay
Why leave a suitcase or two at a tourist spot and local landmark? Presumably not because you don't want them found, and what's inside discovered. Very odd.
There's a perverse irony in a bunch of people living in climates inimical to human life where they can only survive by constantly using energy, and that energy use is making that environment even more hostile year by year. It's like reverse terraforming.
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It may be "ability-ist" and discriminate against people unwilling to put in the work, but I'm okay with that. There are probably some areas where specific AI can help disabled people but shortcutting the artistic process through digital plagiarism ain't it.
Always love it, as a disabled artist, when ai evangelists try to tell me my objection to their planet-heating plagiarism machines is ableist.
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