Phlegm 💖

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Phlegm 💖

Average they/them anarchist
This guy is hot but he has the same name as me 😭
I really don’t have a deep investment in my identity as a chemist except in the specific case of people saying “Einstein proved atoms existed” because bruh wtf chemists were deducting molecular structures (correctly!!) since like 1800s. It’s some extreme form of physics chauvinism I can’t stand for.
Twitter is down so here u go
I wish I could pass as a cis woman so that my choice not to do so would feel more deliberate
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Came across this meme I made, haven't posted it here yet, so here it is, hope y'all still get the reference lol
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That Biden “without Israel there’s nowhere in the world Jews will be safe” line is so dire, you are the president of 6.2 million Jews, I think maybe you have a certain responsibility there dude
This deductible really told me I should be already dead 5 times over before I can get therapy
One of my biggest unfinished 3D projects was a model of the human body in blender which ambitiously contained *almost* every muscle (except for the muscles moving eyes and some larynx ones). I didn’t finish rigging it, but it did basically make me learn anatomy.
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Reposted byAvatar Phlegm 💖
Put an x on X and join the bright side, folks
I’m so twitterpoisoned I got locked for a week and I’m already here
Reposted byAvatar Phlegm 💖
The great myth of Nazism is that they were—are—a mysterious dark corner of humanity, something in sharp contrast to the everyday order of society. In this way, fascism is rendered inscrutable, invisible, even as it poisons the air.
I’m so twitterpoisoned I got locked for a week and I’m already here
Reposted byAvatar Phlegm 💖
i will never recover from the powerful psychic damage caused to me by hearing how “afghanistan” is pronounced in danish
You think I can get commissions here if I post art
Reposted byAvatar Phlegm 💖
man passes by and greets me with a salaam 3alaykum and responding with a wa 3alaykmu s-salaam because it feels too awkward to go “oh uhh I’m not actually— and I already know the response because this isnt the first time its happened
Reposted byAvatar Phlegm 💖
approaching dangerously high levels of yearning atm pls keep me in your thoughts and prayers
Reposted byAvatar Phlegm 💖
Capitalist apologists are historically illiterate, pretending massive amounts of state force weren't involved in creating capitalist "private property" and the wage system, and it just somehow emerged naturally. Ditto state enforcement of all the institutional mechanisms for rent extraction.
Reposted byAvatar Phlegm 💖
I’m convinced that 90% of the time someone says the phrase “white gays” and that they’re thinking of Perez Hilton and only Perez Hilton.
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Reposted byAvatar Phlegm 💖
MUTUAL AID REQUEST I'm a homeless trans woman in Texas, currently staying on somebody's property in the woods, but I need to come up with $150 by the 1st to keep my spot. I have work next month, but this month has been extra slow. Please, if you can share or donate CA ironicmind13 Venmo DabiW
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I been trying my hardest to not ask for help, but my belongings are gonna get auctioned off if I can't pay the rent on storage soon, & my partner is having severe health issues & is gonna be outta work for a month+ cashapp: razorgrrl any amount helps, please share
Reposted byAvatar Phlegm 💖
if you don't know, I got evicted in january, forcing me to put my things into storage while I couch surf the lack of an incall space has made getting clients nearly impossible this year, but it's almost time to move in2 my new place - I just gotta hold out a few more months
I been trying my hardest to not ask for help, but my belongings are gonna get auctioned off if I can't pay the rent on storage soon, & my partner is having severe health issues & is gonna be outta work for a month+ cashapp: razorgrrl any amount helps, please share
Already posted on twitter but bears repeating: If you accuse someone of unforgivable acts of harm and bigotry, and then you demand an apology, money, or “accountability”, I don’t trust you.
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terfs just want to protect women! 😇🥰
Reposted byAvatar Phlegm 💖
"Never compare a marginalized person to their oppressor", unless it's calling Jewish people Klansmen (the ones who lynched Leo Frank), calling Jewish people Nazis, calling trans women Nazis, calling trans women TERFs, calling Black people Klansmen, calling Black people Nazis, c