Phoenix Calida

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Phoenix Calida

Formerly known as uppittynegress on Twitter.
Still a leftist. Still fighting for sex workers rights. Still Black, still queer, still chronically ill. 18+
🤣🤣 Not herring as condiment
Reposted byAvatar Phoenix Calida
Reposted byAvatar Phoenix Calida
this. Plus other resources- Mine regularly offers help with resume writing + interview training, had a legal aid rep, notary public, a rental service that allows you to borrow anything from crochet hooks to bike repair kits It's about denying poor people resources needed to navigate everyday life
Poor people use libraries. Rich people shut them down because they don't *want* poor people to read.
Not to mention the other resources- Mine regularly offers help with resume writing + interview training, has a legal aid rep, a notary public, and a rental service that allows you borrow anything from crochet hooks to bike repair kits
Reposted byAvatar Phoenix Calida
Libraries are one of the most radical social institutions we have, because they’re based on the idea that *everyone* has the right to information, for free. It’s also what makes them crucial to democracy. I will never stop yelling about this!
Poor people use libraries. Rich people shut them down because they don't *want* poor people to read.
Thst sounds like the first steps of good BBQ 😅
I love how we can always come together to make fun of British food.
Herby rice is a sax player, all the way
Reposted byAvatar Phoenix Calida
A juror was dismissed after reporting that a woman dropped a bag of $120,000 in cash at her home and offered more if she would vote to acquit seven people charged with stealing more than $40 million from a program meant to feed children during the pandemic
Juror says someone left her bag with $120,000 cash and promise of more if she’ll She was serving on a case involving seven people charged with stealing more than $40 million from a program meant to feed children during the pandemic.
Right, that's what I'm thinking will happen.
We really putting chinchillas before quesadillas tho? 🤔
TOP TEN ILLAS: 10. van 9. flot 8. gor 7. scint 6. chinch 5. tort 4. quesad 3. sarspar 2. sinsem 1. godz
Reposted byAvatar Phoenix Calida
Chiquita Brands already admitted to paying Colombian death squads: now victims get their day in court A civil suit brought by families in the U.S. brings dark new details to light in the decades-long court case LATEST by me for PWS
Chiquita Brands already admitted to paying Colombian death squads: now victims get their day in A civil suit brought by families in the U.S. brings dark new details to light in the decades-long court case
I just can't imagine him having the humility to follow any probation requirements??
Why are we pretending that British people can say taco 😭
Louisiana legislature established a “look-back” window for SA victims. The legislation provided victims from any period an opportunity to pursue justice, so long as they filed before 6/24. But the court ruled that the look-back window was actually unconstitutional
Louisiana High Court: It’s Priests’ “Right” Not to Be Sued for The state Supreme Court ruled that priests have a “property right” not to be sued for sexually abusing children.
Well, going to try would be more accurate.
I do not understand. I truly do not. What is the point if he's just keep...
Trump moved the offices, but the actual construction of a multimillion dolllar embassy compound in recognition of Israel's illegal claim to the Allenby Barracks that Israel stole. Trump put the ball on the T, but Genocide Joe swung the club.
Biden Moves Ahead on Trump Plan to Build Israel Embassy on Stolen Palestinian Joe Biden moves ahead with Donald Trump’s plan to build the U.S. Embassy to Israel on a Jerusalem land stolen from Palestinians — including U.S. citizens.
We need an updated version of narcissus and echo, except echo is the collective dems still saying 'Blue no matter who, at least it isn't trump' as they quietly fade into obscurity into a puddle somewhere
Breaking News: President Biden ordered the U.S. border with Mexico to be temporarily closed to asylum seekers when crossings of migrants surge.
Reposted byAvatar Phoenix Calida
MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — Vermont becomes 1st state to enact law requiring oil companies pay for damage from climate change.
This is a very, very bad idea. They're not going to after clergy or cops, so who will they be castrating?
BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana lawmakers give final approval to bill allowing judges to order child molesters to undergo surgical castration.
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Reposted byAvatar Phoenix Calida
Dudes can’t even start secret second families anymore because of woke.