Melissa Ryan

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Melissa Ryan

I help people, policymakers, and institutions combat online toxicity and far-right extremism. 2023 Obama USA Leader.

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Not at all surprised that Trump picked the purest embodiment of young white male rage as his VP. JD Vance proves that if a mediocre white man has enough unjustified rage, he can rise to any height based solely on grievance.
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This week, my colleague and good friend Joe Mulhall guest edited CARD and gave readers his expert take on recent elections in France and the UK.
Fear and Hope in Elections in the UK and France offer hope, but this is no time for complacency
This week, my colleague and good friend Joe Mulhall guest edited CARD and gave readers his expert take on recent elections in France and the UK.
Fear and Hope in Elections in the UK and France offer hope, but this is no time for complacency
I wish that the calls to "tone down rhetoric" were instead calls to stop inciting violence.
Reposted byAvatar Melissa Ryan
Yesterday at #nn24, I gave opening remarks at the evening keynote on behalf of the board of directors, welcoming attendees. Later in the program, I also introduced my Congresswoman, Pramila Jayapal, and UAW President Shawn Fein. You can watch my speech here.
Melissa Ryan - Netroots Nation 2024 conference Friday Afternoon Melissa Ryan speaks at the Netroots Nation 2024 conference Friday Afternoon Keynote
Yesterday at #nn24, I gave opening remarks at the evening keynote on behalf of the board of directors, welcoming attendees. Later in the program, I also introduced my Congresswoman, Pramila Jayapal, and UAW President Shawn Fein. You can watch my speech here.
Melissa Ryan - Netroots Nation 2024 conference Friday Afternoon Melissa Ryan speaks at the Netroots Nation 2024 conference Friday Afternoon Keynote
It was such a privilege to introduce UAW President Shawn Fein and Congresswoman Jayapal at #nn24 tonight. I'm pleased to report that sometimes it's actually really lovely to meet people you admire. ✊🏻
Reposted byAvatar Melissa Ryan
Hey there, #nn24. I'm kicking off this evening's Keynote at 4 PM ET. Catch it live or on the live stream. But be on time because I'm up first!
Hey there, #nn24. I'm kicking off this evening's Keynote at 4 PM ET. Catch it live or on the live stream. But be on time because I'm up first!
#nn24 I am en route. See you at happy hour shortly.
Reposted byAvatar Melissa Ryan
“Demonize immigrants, amplify the idea that elections are riddled with fraud and make it harder for people who vote Democratic to vote. The Save Act is a neat little package of Republican interests.”
Analysis | The ‘great replacement’ theory, now in legislation A Republican effort to combine election denialism and border alarmism, known as the Save Act, is having the desired effect.
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At this point, I don't even care who the Democratic nominee is. I'd like to get back to shining light on Trump's MAGA Right and their continual incitement of violence as they look to seize power again.
Reposted byAvatar Melissa Ryan
It’s been weird as hell to see liberals mobilize, from donors to commentators, from celebrities to newspaper editors, to push Biden off-stage but they still can’t manage a coherent message against Trump or even talk about his fascist nonsense that much. Sort of speaks to priorities, you know?
At this point, I don't even care who the Democratic nominee is. I'd like to get back to shining light on Trump's MAGA Right and their continual incitement of violence as they look to seize power again.
Reposted byAvatar Melissa Ryan
I am not the first to make this point but if the whole premise is that the president is not competent, and the president outmaneuvers you....
An unnamed House Democrat who wishes Biden would step aside texts Axios and NOTUS: "The dam is holding." To Axios: "As someone who wanted the reckoning and is disappointed that it's over, trust me: it's over." To NOTUS: “They’ve outflanked us with the CBC and others ... It feels closed for now."
Listening to kiddo tell his twin brother all about how the sun is going down, a fun fact he learned from (and initially tried to argue over) just 2 minutes prior.
Reposted byAvatar Melissa Ryan
So many journalists going to be spending their time in leftist brasseries interviewing voters and trying to figure out how they missed this movement
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
They beat the far-right in Europe twice this week. We can do it here again too.
Reposted byAvatar Melissa Ryan
I dunno, maybe the defeat of far right parties in Europe should give us a little hope that things are turning the corner?
It's a shame to see so many people who claim to be pro-democracy rapidly get on board with forcing out a candidate who has now won two primaries and one general election. But that's clearly the direction we're headed.
"Hey Siri, text Melissa, OK?" -My son, who has clearly heard say this in the car often.
Today, I'm working to get a family member benefits they're legally entitled to while wrangling twin 3-year-olds. I am sandwich generation-ing so hard right now.
Reposted byAvatar Melissa Ryan
SCOTUS' ruling on social media was a bigger deal than it first seemed. Content moderation and ranking algorithms are now First Amendment-protected speech, and that has big implications for the internet. My newsletter today:
Analysis | Supreme Court says content moderation is The NetChoice opinion is a bigger deal than it might seem.
Reposted byAvatar Melissa Ryan
One thing I think people forget is how relentlessly *stupid* every day of the Trump administration was. He doesn’t need to do a big elaborate complicated conspiracy, he can just (e.g.) email a list of every U.S. agent in the field to Putin and say it’s to own the libs, and *that* will have immunity.
The Right's goal has always been to seize power, not win elections. Once you've internalized that today's SCOTUS opinion makes perfect sense. Biden and Dem electeds need to meet this moment. I pray for all of our sake that they're up to it.
Reposted byAvatar Melissa Ryan
SCOTUS is clearly banking on a Trump win and giving him the tools to remain in power once he does. This is a do or die moment. We either stop squabbling amongst ourselves and beat MAGA or it's over. Those are the stakes.
SCOTUS is clearly banking on a Trump win and giving him the tools to remain in power once he does. This is a do or die moment. We either stop squabbling amongst ourselves and beat MAGA or it's over. Those are the stakes.