
I dunno what's going to happen or what should happen but my feeling is that if you swap candidates in July you get annihilated in November
On the other hand, the Heritage Foundation has been kind enough to publish their plans for the fourth reich and I think people will be eager to vote against that
News about Thomas Eagleton's prior treatment for depression (which included electroshock therapy) dropped in July, he withdrew August 1, and in November McGovern won only Massachusetts - far and away the worst defeat in Democratic party history
Obviously the McGovern campaign was its own thing but I think it should be considered that panicking and switching the candidate at the top of the ticket is a vote of no confidence that everyone will hear
Thing is tho, I haven't had confidence in the DNC in years and we're sort of stuck voting for whoever makes it out of the convention. No alternate path forward. Christ, what a shitshow.
To be fair, at the level of president, the person who makes it out of the convention usually also wins a lot of primaries first unless they're an incumbent and then the primaries are a formality.