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The guy with the dogs (Tucker, Rocco, and Benny). Legoholic. Obsessed tv binger. Casual gamer (games are better with friends).

Thinking about the guy I lived with that I called "The Hamster" because all he did was sleep, eat, and piss on the floor.
It is straight up not that tight when you miss the toilet with your pee #notcool
*jeopardy voice* What is a project manager, Alex?
"HEY GUYS, QUICK QUESTION" (talks for 57 minutes)
Reposted byAvatar phroureo
Avatar I went to a very fancy restaurant last night and they had a whole menu for water from different countries. I picked the Iceland spring water and thought of you. It was very good.
I have noticed a trend with my Uber drivers: the ones who talk a lot and are trying to drum up a good rating have a solid 4.5 stars average. The ones who shut up and let me browse bluesky in silence? 4.94+
One time on a road trip there was this car that was going the exact speed I wanted to and so I drove with them for three hours. They exited the freeway without even waving goodbye :(
Me when I'm on a road trip and I recognise a car that had passed me an hour ago
Meanwhile this monster hunts grasshoppers in the backyard so he can eat them.
So tuckered out from torturing a cricket for quite a while. She never hurt it though which is the cutest 🥺 It doesn't have long to find a good hiding place before she wakes 😂
Avatar any big steam summer sale recs? I picked up Horizon Zero Dawn, AssCreed Odyssey, CrossCode, Dredge, and Elden Ring so far and you seem to have good gaming takes.
This reminds me of the time my brother and I were hanging out with someone from another state and she said she liked horror movies and my brother definitely heard whore movies and the conversation that followed was full of sitcom worthy misunderstandings.
eldritch whorer
The only song that I've ever heard that will consistently make me turn the radio off: "I'm Just a Girl" by No Doubt/Gwen Stefani. Cannot stand it. Just absolutely vile on my ears.
I think the worst song in all of human history is probably “The Christmas Shoes”.
1) Matilda 2) Matilda (apologies to
1) Choose a movie. 2) Keep one actor. 3) Replace the rest of the cast with Muppets. 4) Replace the kept actor with Danny DeVito. Go:
To my employer: I'm sorry that MFA is not secure enough for you but like, I am not registering my personal phone that I paid for into your system so you can remotely wipe it just so you feel better about yourselves. I don't have my email or teams on it for a reason.
Me justifying my farts
Learning to speak to my dog thru smells
Asked for an "absurd" amount of shredded cheese on my carne asada fries. Hope they can do it.
Can't believe they made pokemon real
did you know this is the time of year that arctic foxes become little dandelion floofs
Saw a cybertruck today AMA
What kind of monster schedules a go-live for a major holiday?
Was at the vet with Tucker (he's fine, his brother is not (for reasons unrelated to Tucker being there)). I told him to "smile for Fifi" (my mother) and he legitimately struck this pose and held it for 10 seconds while I took the picture.
Update it worked AND they gave me a free extra donut and a free dozen donuts holes. 10/10 would order from that place again.
Ordered some donuts on Uber eats to entice myself to get out of bed eventually today
Ordered some donuts on Uber eats to entice myself to get out of bed eventually today
Reposted byAvatar phroureo
Been working from home nearly four years now and I’ve forgotten what it’s like to work in an office. How do you get your bed in there for naps? Where do you keep your dogs so they can nap with you? The logistics are baffling.
Reposted byAvatar phroureo
My company is celebrating mental health awareness month. In honor of that, I’m planning a very public breakdown during our weekly team meeting today.
Reposted byAvatar phroureo
Reposted byAvatar phroureo
GOODREADS GIVEAWAY!* Nightfire is giving out 50(!!) copies of the Night Guest. Please click on the link to enter: And I would really appreciate if you would share this post 😊🙏 *Open to U.S. residents only
This is his emotional support baby yoda
Reposted byAvatar phroureo
Did anyone else stack the deck of candyland cards as a kid to make sure you won every time
You: Please act normal you need these people to like you People: Hello, Thempress, nice to meet you. Me: Candy Land is actually a cool game bc it represents a fully deterministic universe. You do not play Candy Land: the deck of cards once shuffled determines the winner before the game even starts
What kind of jackass has a house party still going at 12:30 on Sunday night? It's been going for 5+ hours at this point and their music is loud enough I can hear it in my house.