
I have read plenty of articles about how The Kids Today don’t play outside anymore, but would like to read one about how the olds today want to sic the cops on them the moment they step outside
*defund and close public areas like pools and parks *restrict access to paid and semi-paid areas like malls *make foot traffic the most fatal form of local travel *ensure local cops harass anyone 18 and under just for existing "man these kids dowanna go anywhere"
This is a huge issue, why don’t kids go out? Because any remaining places where you don’t have to pay money to go there such as parks they get moved on because people don’t like “gangs of youths” hanging around.
My dad was in a local civic group in the 90s which was mostly middle aged and retired people and they constantly bemoaned the kids hanging around the pedestrianised town centre but when he pointed out there was nowhere else to go they looked at him like he’d grown an extra head
The feeling was “we don’t want them here, we don’t care where else they go” and even then people complained that kids (me) watched too much TV and played video games too much and we should go outside, but not in groups and must always keep moving.
yep, i'm in that age bracket to have watched all these public areas become extinct in real time and the rise of the "surveillance state or stay home" vibe, it sucks and then to hear peeps blame youth for not bootstrapping their own cultural/structural freedoms, oh man i will hurt a mfer
Kids deserve better. We have to build an outside worth going to
Boomers blaming everything on how they built the world and how they raised their children.
"Children should become tramps"
It’s the same rhetoric deployed against homeless people If you’re not making someone a profit, you don’t deserve to be in public, apparently