CJ, The Guy™

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CJ, The Guy™


Going to the nearest church and flipping through the hymnbook, tallying every song that says 'with spirit' in the upper margin. So far, we're 237 for 237
Everyone has noticed how radical Mike Lee has become in recent years, but not enough have noticed how dumb he is.
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Chomping at the bit to write an op-ed about just how many factors "rarely factor into the national gun debate". There are so many reasons people shouldn't be allowed to buy guns, but liberals allow opponents to center the conversation on 'rights' while conservatives obligingly don't stop them.
Montana’s suicide rate has been the highest in the U.S. for the past three years, with most of the deaths involving firearms. Most gun deaths in America are self-inflicted, yet suicide rarely registers in the national debate over guns.
She’s Fighting to Save America’s ‘Last Best Place’ From Suicidewww.nytimes.com Montana’s suicide rate has been the highest in the U.S. for the past three years. Most of the deaths involved firearms. But suicide rarely registers in the national debate over guns.
Inspiration from @izjck.bsky.social and @merrittk.com reacted with the chemicals in iced coffee and sleep deprivation in my brain today, as well as a full morning of reading lefty labor articles, and I wrote a short story of my own Big thanks to Isabel, Merritt, brain chemicals, etc
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Well I'm satisfied, put this thing in charge of firing control immediately
I could forgive all other drama if the US got on the same page as the world on what's left- and right-wing. Tired of op-eds proclaiming 'Radlefts attacking lefties for talking to moderates'.* *Read: 'Mildly less-right social centrists gently criticize center-cons JUST for ceding office to Göring'.
Shoutout to the LA Times for using cop tense to refer to the first time Michael Richards was recorded yelling racial epithets at hecklers
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joe rogan: last time you were on you said some things that made people pretty upset thanquol the grey seer: thanquol regrets choice-selection of words. was high-empowered on warpstone dust rogan: and you're done with that stuff now? thanquol: yes-yes. thanquol has own supplement stack-product now
If you asked your German-born immigrant friend whether he stands with the Third Reich during WW2 and he went "Ehhhhh", would you still want to invite him to parties? Regardless, apparently the NYT would publish an article about how he didn't say yes and therefore you not wanting to hang is unfair.
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One for Dune afficionados
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Another way to think about this is that every day ChatGPT uses a typical US family’s electrical consumption for 65 _years_. That’s the better part of a lifetime and they’re doing it to make computers less reliable.
I knew this, but holy shit anyway.
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As a reminder, not a single one of these women is actually a housewife. They are professional content creators monetizing male resentments over feminism. And they're using that to radicalize their followers. www.mediamatters.org/tiktok/study...
STUDY: Tradwife influencers are quietly spreading far-right conspiracy theorieswww.mediamatters.org You might not notice it, but your algorithm sure does
I always appreciated how, with the one exception of Marisa Tomei, every time Seinfeld had on a celebrity guest playing themselves, they portrayed the most uniquely deluded, unstable, crazy version of themselves possible.
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"You still don't understand what you're dealing with, do you? The perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility." "You admire it." "I admire its purity. A survivor, unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality."
"Wait, the Friends were BAD?" I cry out in shock. "They weren't even nice people? But that means the Seinfeld characters were jerks too!" This is the most original take on TV sitcoms ever in the current year, 2002. This 'revelation' will be re-hashed by your dumbest friend every year until you die
Shoutout to S4E7 of You for being so goddamn stupid and disrespectful to me as an audience member that I quit the show entirely and watched the original Avatar: The Last Airbender instead. Good show, Avatar. Watch it, and also don't watch You.
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why don't you live in your house? seems like you're to blame here
Reposted byAvatar CJ, The Guy™
Pretty brazen how Obama waves to the press cameras on his way into the secret nefarious world-destruction cabal meeting.
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RT if you’d fucking kill yourself if the Honey Nut Cheerios bee went woke
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All this talk of WH40K reminds me of October 31, 2012, when we found out that Little Billy canonically plays Warhammer 40 K. This is the genuine, non-fake comic from that date.
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Me, years ago: Republicans are a Death Cult! Me, today: Ah, geez. That's... really too far, Death Cult.
Greetings, gamers! We have an exciting prospect for you: A game where you can be fascists for funsies, as a joke. If you've been waiting to play a fascist, here's your chance Two weeks later: Why are there so many fascists here?
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