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The Texas Butterknife Square Dance
Make a movie milder: The leisurely and the irritated.
Note to self - Don't stash your weed in beehives Monday
Biologists in San Antonio plan to stash recording devices in beehives to study how bees orient themselves using sunlight. Here's what else scientists are tracking along the solar eclipse's path of totality on Monday.
A Solar Eclipse Means Big Sciencewww.nytimes.com To study an eclipse you need cameras, rockets, giant balloons and beehives.
I would have thought it'd be the doctors losing patients
Six weeks ago, thousands of residents and interns at South Korean hospitals walked off the job. Patients have filed more than 2,000 complaints about treatments being postponed, canceled or refused, according to the national health ministry. But much of the anger is aimed at President Yoon Suk Yeol.
As Doctors’ Walkout Drags On, Some South Koreans Are Losing Patiencewww.nytimes.com Thousands of interns and residents who stopped working in February are testing the public’s high regard for physicians. But there is also anger at the government.
Reposted byAvatar PJ
That’s about 10% of the country. Staggering numbers really.
Sounds like the RNC gave Britt a big ol' bowl of shit to eat www.al.com/news/2024/03...
I'd like to say I'm surprised @jbf1755.bsky.social
Damn, the University of Florida just fired their entire DEI office.
Reposted byAvatar PJ
Alabama is well on its way to being a full-blown theocracy. The "frozen embryos are children" ruling is just a step on the way. www.al.com/news/2024/02...
Archibald: Alabama Supreme Court is a theocracywww.al.com Chief Justice Tom Parker is implementing the plan.
Voting for Trump tells me you see the world, and our place in it, completely different from me. Like Venn diagrams with no overlap. If you give money to Trump, it tells me you're also not very bright
Reposted byAvatar PJ
I gotta hand it to the Eagles, this is awesome.
If I wanted to see what's on the bad place, I'd still have an account
Reposted byAvatar PJ
Landing in Grand Cayman in 30 minutes
Scallops and triggerfish. Paired with Alban Roussane
I'm 65 and definitely less what passes as conservative. But lordy what I've observed among my cohorts
RT only if you are NOT becoming more conservative as you grow older.
I don't see why a player not set stops the play. It's not a foul until the ball is snapped. #cfb #msu-arky
Have helmet stickers become participation trophies at OSU? #BuckeyeInflation #CFB
“We’ll have an opportunity to have a full hearing in front of the three-judge panel at a time they set to address whether or not the map the legislature passed last session will come back into play." Has about as much chance as Bullwinkle pulling a rabbit out of a hat. www.al.com/news/birming...
KJ has regressed the pat two seasons #cfb
A great opportunity to taste a wide variety of wines
I enjoyed watching your team last night @jarenblake.bsky.social. The defense played great in the fourth. I question why the Hogs don't put Jefferson under center in short yardage situations.
Went from Spencer Rattler to Spencer Rattled
Reposted byAvatar PJ
Ways of thinking: 1. DJT seems to have done something wrong--& specific--that needs to be investigated. Let's investigate & see if we should go further. 2. We want to impeach the president! Let's investigate! The latter is the WEAPONIZATION of government. It's ALWAYS projection, folks. Always.
Ewers is the better QB on the field. Gonna be a long year
Trump should be in a white Ford Bronco
I’m not optimistic the Trump mugshot will live up to expectations (hopes). Someone will figure out a way to keep him presentable
You might like to follow this @jarenblake.bsky.social
Good morning! It's almost college football time. I'd like to encourage y'all to share this feed with your frens. https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:ipto52pfemju56wnsxkjcab5/feed/aaacsiz7lqekw