
Amazing timing. Truly. Maybe you need to consider retiring.
But you wrote it anyway. What is it with so many Democrats that they give up at the slightest setback? Republicans worked for fifty years to overturn Roe yet so many Democrats cannot last an hour
You didn’t need to write it.
Was there something in your NYT contract that required it?
I'm incredibly disappointed that this is how you chose to use your platform today.
I really hate you for writing this.
A theme among the replies seems to be a mutual hatred of you having written it, so that’s pleasingly symmetrical
Very disappointed you hold this view. My wife canceled her NY Times subscription over this and the editorial by the Editorial Board.
Next time you hate writing something, maybe don’t write it. Trust that inner voice.
The reason he should withdraw is that he did poorly at a debate?
I don’t read The Times.
I agree that the only possible replacement is Kamala, so it's good that racism and misogyny aren't a thing any more. My recollection is that her 2020 presidential campaign crashed and burned. The assumption that she would run a great campaign is not necessarily warranted.
Sad, but necessary. A lot more people close to Biden will have to be braver and have similar conversations if it's to end well.
I disagree as I think trying to manage a new Jane or Johnny Unbeatable becoming the new nominee would not be so easy that it can be put together in time for the election.
Ugh. Mr Krugman, you're one of the few accounts I look forward to hearing from on Bluesky. In pretty much everything you write you make sense, & show common sense wisdom, taking down the "Very Serious People". This take on Biden is the take of a "Very Serious Person". I thought it was beneath you.
What so many miss is that it's not a matter of whether Biden can win, but what is the probability, and can we increase that probability with a different candidate. If the probability is even one percent higher, and it's likely much more than that, then with democracy at stake of course you switch.
The probability of any single candidate being able to even become the nominee - bypassing the democratic process completely - without the biggest crapstorm tearing apart the party is ZERO. Trying to switch candidates now is impossible, and people suggesting it are unserious.
You're too certain of that, and not considering how dire the alternative is. Certainly, if Biden had enough wherewithal to do the right thing and step down, the party could come together around, say Whitmer, who has twice the approval rating of Biden in crucial Michigan.
If the party leaders are resolute, this election and democracy could be saved. Someone has to take the keys away from grandpa with this much at stake. After this last debate, Dems and the public would understand. I don't think that they would not unite around a very strong ticket like Whitmer/Warnok
The idea that 'party leaders' can just pick someone that everyone will rally around is pure fantasy. There's a reason why Dems haven't let 'party leaders' choose the nominee since 1968. "Whitmer/Warnok"(sp)? Seriously? You're going to just push off Harris? Ridiculous on so many levels.
Staying with Biden is riskier than the alternative, much riskier. You would hope that Harris would understand that she's much less electable and step aside to save the country. And, if she were pushed aside, I don't think she wld sabotage. But, even Harris at this point is more electable than Biden.
You are making these guesses about Biden and Harris from your own vibe-mind, not from any facts. There are polls that have Harris with the same vote share as Biden, but you wouldn't know that because you're not interested in actual information, only in making guesses about politics that comfort you.
You have to realize that people properly act differently in an emergency. If your candidate suffers a serious health issue late in the cycle with no time to run primaries, then the vast majority of people understand you have no better choice. There is no better alternative now.
lol Biden is healthier than either of us. The fact that you chose people for your dream-ticket that WEREN'T Kamala Harris shows that you are making bad faith arguments. If Biden really is in such bad state that he can't be President, Harris is the person who takes over.
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you should have heeded your instincts