Lee Graham

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Lee Graham


Pugs. All other dogs. Cats. Photography. Way too much politics. Or is it too many?
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You know what was a good movie, was Brokeback Mountain.
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“In any other country, we would recognize Cannon’s actions—dismissing a major criminal case against a presidential candidate on the first day of his party’s convention—to be part of an ongoing constitutional coup.” Michael Podhorzer www.weekendreading.net/p/oops-they-...
Oops! … They Did it Againwww.weekendreading.net And they are not so innocent
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main difference between the New York Times political desk in 2016 is that back then they were against Clinton. today they are objectively for Trump
A thread on today’s “ remarkably one-sided “The Morning” newsletter by Michael C. Bender. /1 www.nytimes.com/2024/07/16/b...
J.D. Vance’s Chancewww.nytimes.com Why Donald Trump tapped Vance to be his successor.
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if you’re trying to engage with politically disconnected people about project 2025, identify a specific part that you think will resonate with them. i just told my friend who’s a public school teacher about the plan to abolish the department of education and that got her hooked.
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We must keep the spot light on Project 2025. It is the best weapon we have to save what's left of democracy. It is the final nail in GOP Nationalists coffin. Let nothing distract from what Project 2025 agenda for America is. Everyone especially those that don't vote need to learn about Project 2025.
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I am begging the scientific community to watch one(1) sci-fi horror movie.
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Deep Blue…on the ferry crossing the Sound of Gigha on my way to the Isle of Gigha this evening. The Mull of Kintyre on the left and Gigha on the right 💙
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Joe Biden is the leader we need during this tumultuous time. Let him know we're all behind him. Please show your support by making donation to the Biden-Harris reelection campaign today! https://secure.actbl...
Chip in!secure.actblue.com Show your support with a contribution.
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According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies—an eminently respectable, bipartisan think tank—right-wing political violence accounted for more than 90 percent of all attacks or plots in the first half of 2020, far outpacing terrorism from any other source since 1990.
We’re in an epidemic of right-wing terror. Won’t someone tell the press?www.motherjones.com More than a decade of media malpractice enabled January 6. Has the media learned its lesson?
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It has been announced that Biden will be giving a major address to the nation from the Oval Office tonight. Smart move.
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i normally don’t talk about politics on this account but i do want to say that there’s a LOT of misinformation floating around rn and if you decide to repost things before they’ve been verified it won’t matter at all because this bluesky and no one’s paying attention like not even a little
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Trump's Project 2025 is weighing like an anchor around his campaign and he's pulling out all his tricks to try to buck his association with it. Amazingly, it turns out voters care more about a candidate promising "I am planning to ruin your life" than an old guy mumbling a little?
Trump's efforts to run from Project 2025 are blowing up in his face: *CNN reports 140 former Trump officials are involved *New video shows Trump praised its creators in 2022 On the pod, we go deep into the threat Project 2025 poses, with Amanda Becker of The 19th: newrepublic.com/article/1837...
Trump’s Sleazy New Project 2025 Disavowal Scam Blows Up in His Facenewrepublic.com As new reports tie Trump to Project 2025, a writer who has examined the plan explains what this saga really reveals about the reactionary agenda MAGA wants to inflict on our country.
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US equity market had massive "atoms over bits" vibes today. NVDA down over 5% but homebuilders rose over 7%, third-best day since at least 2003 for equally-weighted S&P 500 stocks relative to market-cap weighted S&P 500 stocks, small caps soared while Tesla dropped 8%.
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It's impossible for it to get the oxygen it needs right now, but AOC introducing articles of impeachment against Thomas and Alito is a great story. She's the best messenger to explain why Supreme Court corruption impacts the lives of everyday Americans. www.salon.com/2024/07/12/a...
Why AOC is the best messenger on Thomas and Alito's corruptionwww.salon.com The corruption of Supreme Court justices is about more than greed. It "constitutes a clear danger to our democracy"
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Seems worth noting that the Republican platform makes a big deal out of fighting crime and inflation, both of which have been plummeting
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I’m not sure what the surefire way to win the election is but I am fairly certain a sure way to lose is to spend the next 4 months with Democrats talking about how much their candidate sucks and how we’re doomed
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So --- things look grim, but we have nearly 4 months until the election. "What can I do to help?", you may be asking yourself. Well, I have some suggestions. Please repost/share any that you find helpful: 1/x
Hey, Media: Biden’s poor debate performance had almost no impact on voter preference.
"What the report finds is that Biden held on to 94% of the people who said they would support him before the debate. For Trump, 86% of people who said they would support him before the debate said they would do so after the debate." news.northeastern.edu/2024/07/09/b...
Biden's poor debate performance had almost no impact on voter preference, new report saysnews.northeastern.edu A new report shows that despite Biden’s debate performance – poor as it may have been – voter preferences haven't been impacted.
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As I noted in this piece, if the Democrats lose the 2024 election, the most likely "correction" they'll make will be to lurch hard to the center-right. kevinmkruse.substack.com/p/not-voting
Just saw someone post that they want Biden to lose by a landslide in order to force the Democratic Party to change What year is it? Because I've seen this same argument against Clinton in 2016 and Gore in 2000 A huge loss WOULD change the party, but probably not in good ways
Not Votingkevinmkruse.substack.com In the wake of the recent rout of the far right in France — with all the deserved attention to the ways in which leftists and centrists put aside their infighting to defeat a common foe — I thought I’...
Tales from Our Broken Media, chapter infinity.
how many of them have also opined that the former guy, convicted of 34 felonies and facing countless other accusations of malfeasance, drop out?
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Looks like the movement to switch candidates is officially dead so you know what time it is — time to band together and drag our boy across the finish line by any means necessary
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I disagree, and I spent 15 years as a full time caregiver for 2 individuals, in their 70s, 80s and 90s. You speak for you and I speak for myself. Biden was ill, overtired, and the moderators failed, as he was Gish Galloped.
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This is journalistic malpractice. The Biden admin was working on Parkinson's policy.
Breaking News: A Parkinson’s expert visited the White House eight times in eight months from last summer through this spring, according to official visitor logs. The administration has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease.
Parkinson’s Expert Visited the White House Eight Times in Eight Monthswww.nytimes.com The White House has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease and that there has been no reason to update the most recent testing, conducted in February.