
Yelling at people to silence themselves about Biden's health is not going to work. The only way the story goes away now is if he resigns. I wish that weren't so, but wishes aren't facts.
I truly believe if he resigns as POTUS now Trump is elected in 2024
Trump will be president either way, and hand-wringing Liberals aren’t ready for that. All that posturing about “resistance” will vanish overnight as the MAGA Fascists drag people into the camps.
Seems like you are fine with that and willing to do nothing to stop it?
Far from it. Just need to face facts that the Centrist idiots who kept failing to deal with Trump and his base have led us to open Fascism. Of course that’s because American Liberals are afraid of being Socialists.
I believe in Wilhoit’s Law. Fundamentally 1/3 of any group is authoritarian and the only way they attain power is if the other 2/3s are divided by stupid nonsense labels and stoked by in fighting. It's a cancer and the immune system of our political system is always under attack.
You can believe what you want. Reality doesn’t care for faith based politics.