
Yelling at people to silence themselves about Biden's health is not going to work. The only way the story goes away now is if he resigns. I wish that weren't so, but wishes aren't facts.
As much as I respect you, your confidence in predicting the future is not a "fact" either.
I understand media pretty well! So yes, I suppose there's a slender chance Biden does a backspring on the White House lawn and gives a one hour speech at midnight where he sounds like he's 60 again. But I sure wouldn't bet democracy on it!
Setting the bar kinda high there. How about a string of vigorous campaign appearances and a good debate in September? Does nothing matter except one debate performance in June when the election is November?
I truly believe if he resigns as POTUS now Trump is elected in 2024
Trump will be president either way, and hand-wringing Liberals aren’t ready for that. All that posturing about “resistance” will vanish overnight as the MAGA Fascists drag people into the camps.
Seems like you are fine with that and willing to do nothing to stop it?
I'm not fine with Trump winning, which is why I want a candidate who can beat him.
I get that and if I thought him stepping down would do that then I wouldn't care. But many people supporting that course of action fill in the gaps with their own fantasies of their favorite getting in. I think it would divide the non Republican electorate so close to the general we would lose.
I am not fine with Trump winning either. Which is why having a doddering Biden as candidate is so worrying. A choice between a deranged Trump and deluded Biden is just awful for humanity.
Do you believe in Great Man theory? I don't. I think that's a division here.
Far from it. Just need to face facts that the Centrist idiots who kept failing to deal with Trump and his base have led us to open Fascism. Of course that’s because American Liberals are afraid of being Socialists.
I believe in Wilhoit’s Law. Fundamentally 1/3 of any group is authoritarian and the only way they attain power is if the other 2/3s are divided by stupid nonsense labels and stoked by in fighting. It's a cancer and the immune system of our political system is always under attack.
You can believe what you want. Reality doesn’t care for faith based politics.
If Biden stays in and ends up losing to Trump, I don't want to hear anything from Dem partisans about it being the fault of "progressives," or "young voters," or "Jill Stein." They have an easy, obvious out and they aren't taking it. It is 100% on him and the campaign.
Ah yes. Nothing quite so easy as throwing the nomination into chaos days before the convention. And if today's news doesn't get someone to vote for Biden even if he's in a fucking coma then I will absolutely give them as much shit as I want to.
You have to address Harris and this if you want to keep talking about it
me on friday: “none of the strongest candidates are going to participate in a brokered convention” the pundit class: “of course they will” the candidates:
Whitmer Disavows ‘Draft Gretch’ Democrats’ 2028 bench is eager to avoid appearing eager to push Biden aside.
The pundit class has a super invested interested in a brokered convention. It would be the biggest, most exciting event in the pundit class’s lifetime, can’t think of anything remotely like it.
It wasn't "going away" even had the debate performance been flawless. But the narrative is now going to dominate coverage both in the right-wing gutter press and "objective" MSM. I sadly don't think Joe can win anymore. The coverage will make emails look like a single-day one-off on page 12.
I can ignore the NYT Opinion pieces and the like on him resigning all day long. Sure as hell isn't a great strategy to get me to subscribe.
"the only way the story goes away" is a fact? or a wish?