
One of his picks was because Obama wasn't willing to pull the trigger 9 months before the election. Another was because RBG, who was old as shit and had already had at least one public bout with cancer, wanted to be replaced by Hillary. If the Democrats gave a shit, Trump would have gotten 1 pick.
I get that "liberals" has become the strawman argument over the last 8 years and it's not always wrong but this is a direct result of Trump putting on three Supreme Court justices
Not sure that Obama pulling the trigger on Garland earlier would have stopped it being blocked by the GOP. I could be missing something, but they had all the pieces in place to block it then too?
Not when they're out of session! The concern was a fight would impact Hillary but... lol. Also RBG should have stepped down in 2009 when they could have installed ANYONE with their majorities.
Wdym “not when they were out of session?” As in, the senate was out of session so they couldn’t have blocked garland? Totes agree on RBG ofc, that was political malpractice
Yes, a recess appointment goes through and the Senate has to deal with it when they resume.
That's a tomorrow problem that you have months to get ready to fight.
I don’t think “this is either unconstitutional or ineffective” is the sort of problem that gets overcome at the 11th hour.
Weird how that's only an issue for one party and not the other...