Prof Keith Marzilli Ericson

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Prof Keith Marzilli Ericson

Professor, Boston University Questrom School of Business. Applied micro, health and behavioral economics.
Already feels bad, like the Trump years did, when there was no way to escape knowing horrible new things multiple times a day
Easy to lose sight of the significance here, but the sitting president just gave a speech condemning the Supreme Court for a ruling that expands presidential power. It’s also a president who stands to benefit from this ruling, given that his opponent is vowing to imprison him and his family.
John Adams: A government of laws, and not of men Theodore Roosevelt: No man is above the law John Roberts: Presidents don't have to follow laws in office, at least not all of them, and if a sitting president breaks the law, he's immune from any legal consequences for life and you just have to deal
I went to bed expecting a 6-3 vote with Alito, Gorsuch and Thomas in the bag for Trump. I figured Roberts, Kavanaugh and Barrett at least wouldn't be unhinged enough to grant a president utter immunity from legal consequences for murdering his political enemies or arresting Congress.
It's hard to even imagine the limits of the power that SCOTUS has just handed the president. If you can keep 34 senators and the military on your side, you can do anything.
Long after the debate is forgotten, the 6-3 decisions overruling Chevron via Loper Bright and Jarksey will have fundamentally weakened the ability of the American government to function against the most powerful interests in society.
A Biden administration specialty: small, quiet, bureaucratic changes that make tens of thousands of people's lives better, but which everyone will forget about in two days
The Social Security Administration will eliminate all but a handful of those unskilled jobs from a long-outdated database used to decide who gets benefits and who is denied, ending a practice that advocates have long decried as unfair and inaccurate.
Social Security to jettison obsolete jobs used to deny disability For decades, Social Security has used obsolete jobs like pneumatic tube operator and nut sorter to deny disabled claimants.
I'm willing to be that despite wanting to promote religion in the public schools, they'd oppose displaying the beatitudes (blessed are the poor) or parts of Exodus (do not exploit or oppress the immigrants in your land).
A great paper, with evidence on the objective of the firm.
Our paper on gaming Medicare payments is out AND I'm presenting it at #ASHEcon2024 today! "Turbocharging Profits? Contract Gaming and Revenue Allocation in Healthcare" Atul Gupta 🔗 ⏰ 1:45-3:15📍Torrey Pines 2
Heading to ASHEcon 2024 in San Diego! I'm presenting "Reevaluating Moral Hazard in the Presence of Liquidity Constraints." This project has changed how I view the costs of moral hazard, and thus the net benefits of insurance subsidies Mon Jun 17th at 330pm.
Healthcare and Personal
Heading to ASHEcon 2024 in San Diego! I'm presenting "Reevaluating Moral Hazard in the Presence of Liquidity Constraints." This project has changed how I view the costs of moral hazard, and thus the net benefits of insurance subsidies Mon Jun 17th at 330pm.
Healthcare and Personal
Analysis: Trump’s anticipated probation term that he cannot associate with known criminals will require a massive shake-up of his campaign leadership.
A report from the Government Accountability Office found that ICE arrested 674 potential US citizens, detained 121, and deported 70 during a five year frame the government watchdog analyzed:
He will absolutely seek to deport his critics and being a US citizen won’t protect you because the US has deported its citizens before:
Postdoc position available at BU Questrom in Business Economics and Analytics!
What is the university for? By the great Marilynne Robinson. (Ignore the headline.)
Vanguard just announced a $100 account closure fee... for people who already hold accounts. Is this legal? What if they announced a $1 million account closure fee? Hard to have competition on fees if you can ex post assess new fees on customers for leaving!
Celebrating 50 years of the BU Questrom Health Sector Management program at dinner tonight!
What an engaging visit to the Emory economics department, talking about What Do Shareholders Want: Consumer Welfare and the Objective of the Firm! Thank you Evan Saltzman and Ian McCarthy for hosting.
Interesting work. I was surprised by the stats on comfort with nonbinary bosses
🚨New working paper!🚨 Non-Binary Gender Economics. Gender econ has almost exclusively measured gender as binary. But 1+ million people in US identify as non-binary. Nat'l Academies + American Psych Assn recommend better measurement of gender v. bio sex. Thread: (1/n)
Non-Binary Gender Founded in 1920, the NBER is a private, non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to conducting economic research and to disseminating research findings among academics, public policy makers, an...
🚨New working paper!🚨 Non-Binary Gender Economics. Gender econ has almost exclusively measured gender as binary. But 1+ million people in US identify as non-binary. Nat'l Academies + American Psych Assn recommend better measurement of gender v. bio sex. Thread: (1/n)
Non-Binary Gender Founded in 1920, the NBER is a private, non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to conducting economic research and to disseminating research findings among academics, public policy makers, an...
If we're revisiting the 14th Amendment in this way, maybe we should revisit Marbury v. Madison also.
It’s weird how Congress actively voted to remove the disqualification of former Confederates when, according to this SCOTUS, they could have just done nothing & apparently none of those people would in fact be disqualified.
From a vigil in Tulsa last night for Nex Benedict
I'm teaching two MBA classes this semester: Health Strategy and Managerial Economics. If you are an instructor and my slides might be useful for you, please DM me / email me. I'll send them over.
Just got the email from CMS that they are planning to discontinue physical access to the Medicare/Medicaid research files and force everyone to use the (incredibly expensive) VRDC. In the transition, they'll charge physical data users $10K/year to renew DUAs. This is bad.
If you're an R shop like ours, with lots of TAF data and projects, it looks like the annual fees could be over $200K (e.g. 5 projects *$13K + 10 analyst seats*$15K). It also upends 5 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to create an efficient software/hardware infrastructure to manage TAF.
Just got the email from CMS that they are planning to discontinue physical access to the Medicare/Medicaid research files and force everyone to use the (incredibly expensive) VRDC. In the transition, they'll charge physical data users $10K/year to renew DUAs. This is bad.
NBER training opportunity led by Jetson Leder-Luis (BU) and Sebastian Tello Trillo (UVA, for grad students who want to study health and aging economics, and who come from an under-represented or non-traditional group. See the link for more info: