
It's hard to even imagine the limits of the power that SCOTUS has just handed the president. If you can keep 34 senators and the military on your side, you can do anything.
The really bitter irony here is that SCOTUS is making the president a king while a Democrat is president. They aren't worried about it because they know Democrats won't accept Biden actually acting the way they are saying he can.
And since Seal Team 6 can be ordered to kill Senators, really only the latter matters.
Everyone keeps citing Seal Team 6 - c'mon, guys, we need to spread these extrajudicial assassinations (official acts) out. Get Delta Force involved, etc.
Space Force. It's time to put those Space Lasers to use.
You have to get Soros to sign off on space lasers. It is in the constitution right next to executive privilege.
i hope Biden takes some bold actions now
Like trading his kitchen knife for a butter knife to get into this gunfight
Except write regulations.
Depends on if they hurt businesses. Regulations that hurt women, minorities, LGBTQ+, etc are protected by Article “I just make shit up” in the Constitution.
This movie sucks I want my money back
They handed king-like powers to a president WHO HAD LOST. Almost all of the stuff he's charged with related to January 6 was after he lost the election. This isn't a question of what he can do at some random time of his presidency. This is about what he can do after being voted out.
Not to split hairs here, but he is still president after the election. Lame ducks are still in office.
I fully understand that. But the idea that “official acts” that are illegal, for example assassinating Soleimani, are in the same universe as attempting to overturn an election or stealing classified defense docs for personal gain after being voted out, is laughable.
You don't need 34 Senators. You need >1/3 of the surviving Senators.
The President can 'officially' just hold Senators, their loved ones, and their property hostage. Their support is a foregone conclusion.
No, it's WORSE. They say the president has immunity IF SCOTUS SAYS HE DID. So if not, he can be prosecuted. It's vile. However, if Biden removed Rump's SCOTUS appointees by executive order, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, they couldn't rule against him....
The Republic has fallen... RIP, USC, 1789-2024.
34 senators representing a terribly small fraction of the population.
The 34 smallest R seats in the senate represents about 47 million. About 14% of the population.
Does that further count that significantly less than those 47 million actually voted for those Senators?
Yes. That is totally population. Voting total would be significantly less.
Got it. I wasn't sure and I admit it's too late in the evening for me to want to do the math myself to see.
With the pressure to drop out, Biden could do whatever he wants and just resign, without having to even worry about 34 senators.
We have about 800 general/flag officers serving in the US military. I think many of them respect democracy more than our MAGA Supreme Court. But would they actively resist any unconstitutional orders from Trump, were he to become president? Would that lead to a (hopefully short) civil war?
You don't even need to keep them on your side because you can keep having them killed.
Just kill them faster than they can be elected/appointed. Set up a guy with a captive bolt pistol at the Senate cloakroom and just make sure they can't get to the floor. They'll never be able to convict after impeachment.
And, oh! Look at all the pardons fly!
We will have learned the lesson of other countries that if you have the military on your side you can do anything.
And that works right up until some officer gets it into his head that if they DON'T have the military on their side then they can't do ANYTHING, so why not just cut out the middleman...?
That's been our chilling reality since DJT's first impeachment failed.
Wtf do they think this is? Zombo com??
The limiting principle is that if a Dem President takes an action, then it's by definition not in his official capacity.
I guess a prosecutor can claim something is not an official act and charge the president or ex-president with a crime. They’ll have to overcome presumptive immunity and can’t use any evidence deemed part of an official act, so good luck with that.
Well, no, you also need a cadre of toadies willing and able to exact force. The democrats don’t have that.
Like, which brand of *cop* is dArK BrANdoN gonna use to shoot Trump?
And to get 34 Senators you need what, like 10-15% of the voters these days? Grab a few barely populated states and you're there.
The United States is ill.
Yes, but what are they giving the President?
I need to know, what charge is SCOTUS? (I am not from the US)