
I went to bed expecting a 6-3 vote with Alito, Gorsuch and Thomas in the bag for Trump. I figured Roberts, Kavanaugh and Barrett at least wouldn't be unhinged enough to grant a president utter immunity from legal consequences for murdering his political enemies or arresting Congress.
It's hard to even imagine the limits of the power that SCOTUS has just handed the president. If you can keep 34 senators and the military on your side, you can do anything.
Same. I remember how many of us were shocked at Trump lawyer John Sayer telling the Court that assassinating a political rival might be an official act for which the president is immune. That’s crazy! No judge is going to go for that argument! lol…. SCOTUS today: We agree with John Sauer.
I really thought they'd drag it out as long as they could, but would not take away their own power to review Presidential acts. I was wrong.
Said this before but Roberts is like Taney in Dred Scott. “Ok this is it. I’m going to settle this slavery question once and for all time. There that’ll fix it. Now we will never be bothered by divisions over slavery again.”
Genuinely surprised they havnt over turned that ruling.
It seems like there’s often variety of shades and qualities of extremism between them, until a really unambiguous right wing wish list item comes up, and all the sudden they snap in line.
I'm back at my 'shoot their shot' mindset. A moonshot, and they fucking nailed our republic with it. I was wrong to think they would be better.
Yep. They were saving everything in court reputation to get to this
Bought and sold long since
I was expecting them to invent some bullshit 3-part test for whether an act falls under the president's official duties. This would have the effect of delaying Trump's trials until after the election, but not making all presidents above the law forever.
They farmed that task out to the court of appeals, so I guess they could still wind up adopting such a test
The more I think about it... They had to go to this extreme in order to overturn the NY conviction (via the whole 'presidential comms are inadmissible evidence' thing, which is laser-targeted at the NY trial).
I guess the anarchists are correct.
I'm going to throw out a point of order, Gorsuch needs to be addressed by his full title of "Gorsuch the judicial matricide" after the Loper-Bright case invalidated the deference that was granted his mother in Chevron (a related case to Chevron v NRDC was NRDC v Gorsuch, and Chevron disposed both)
The most important caveat for any new immune acts, Convicted Felon Drimpf has to be president again. All of us rational voters can prevent that from happening. Vote Biden. Only Biden. Your Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness literally depends on it, thanks to the corrupt as hell Supreme Court.
In the long run, doesn't this risk their power in the future? A dictator has no qualms tossing out those who are no longer useful
I doubt they're that aware. Thomas and Alito, in particular, never think beyond whether something will benefit Trump this week.
Ridiculous. Well, many people don't heed the lessons of history... or take the wrong lessons
USA ON CUSP OF TYRANNY The Supreme Court's ruling that shields the President frm prosecution in office kindles abuse of power&erosion of democracy. Trump's return to the White House is worry for coups&death of constitutional democracy, rule of law&America's global leadership! #CharlesOngole UGANDA