Kimberly Mutcherson

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Kimberly Mutcherson

Law Professor focused on reproductive justice. Recovering Law Dean. Avid consumer of pop culture.
The latest cover of the New Yorker:
My first thought was “Who was dumb enough to write this and let it be published.” My second thought was “Actually, I could see his campaign doing this.” Remember when they thought they could win us over with sneakers? And the actual article is less offensive than the headline, but still. Do better.
Media are u ok maybe take a hot bath and decompress
Powerful words from Dahlia Lithwick as we celebrate this Nation’s founding.
“Screaming. Insubstantial. Hysterical. What men call banshees, women call prophecy.”
This! You can’t claim that someone “stole” your job or “took” your spot unless you think you were entitled to it in the first instance.
How soon will the t-shirts be ready? “With fear for our democracy, I dissent.” -Justice Sotomayor
Hanging with at Georgetown Law today for an amazing series of discussions about our off the rails SCOTUS!
The Supreme Court Term in Review at Georgetown Law has kicked off with the always amazing Michele Goodwin and LDF’s Janai Nelson! This is going to be an incredible day!
Making my way through Kagan’s dissent in Loper and it is full of zingers. The Kagan, Sotomayor, Jackson triad is swinging for the fences and laying the groundwork for reversals when the Court is no longer dominated by Justices consumed by “judicial hubris” who “grasp[ ] for power.”
I love Justice Jackson, and I want her to be my friend. From her dissent in Moyle, "As the old adage goes: The Court has made this bed so now it must lie in it—by proceeding to decide the merits of the critical pre-emption issue this case presents." This Court is so chaotic. It's ridiculous.
I am surprisingly and perhaps foolishly optimistic about how this case regarding bans on gender affirming care for adolescents will fare at the Supreme Court. I expect a bat shit dissent from Thomas and maybe Alito, but I think (hope) they’ll ultimately find the bans unconstitutional.
Editing a book chapter this morning and, as always, remembering James Baldwin's sage advice to "write a sentence as clean as a bone."
Me: I’m going to write all day today. Supreme Court: Or we could drop the opinion in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine and you can spend the day talking to reporters and speculating on what this means for the EMTALA case.
Got edits back on a book chapter and one of the suggestions is that I not call the current Supreme Court majority “unhinged.” I will consider it.
Inflatable IUD outside of Union Station today to support our right to access contraception courtesy of AmericansforContraception. org. ❤️❤️
I can’t imagine thinking that unleashing police on my students would end well. I literally cannot fathom putting that kind of faith in cops.
Catholic hospitals came up repeatedly in the Supreme Court's EMTALA argument. This article explains the interaction between religious refusals and EMTALA and the threat of Catholic hospitals to standard-of-medical-care treatment in states with more liberal abortion laws
Emergency abortion care is before the Supreme Court—and blue states should be very For decades, Catholic hospitals have been “doing as a norm what has now become the post-Dobbs landscape.”
A divided Supreme Court? Shocking! That states want the power to ignore federal law when it comes to their radical anti-abortion agenda? Just another day in the U.SA.
Breaking news: A divided Supreme Court seemed skeptical that federal law can require hospitals to provide emergency abortion care in states with strict bans on the procedure in the latest legal battle over access to abortion.
Conservative justices appear skeptical federal law requires emergency abortion The Supreme Court hears arguments in Idaho vs U.S. relating to the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act. Justices will decide whether a federal law requiring hospitals care for life-threatening c...
Best idea I had today was to host a zoom hate watch party to listen to the argument in Moyle with about 20 other repro rights & justice folks. Being able to vent frustration and rage with a bunch of smart and funny folks committed to abortion access made the whole thing much easier to listen to!
Good for them! At least some folks at Columbia feel a responsibility to protect students’ right to protest instead of punishing them for it. We are living through wild times.
Faculty at #ColumbiaUniversity has walked out in protest against the universities policies of having the police called and students removed from a peaceful demonstration of solidarity with the people of #Palestine #FreePalestine ❤️🇵🇸✊
Rutgers Law is hiring a visiting clinical professor to launch our Medical-Legal Partnership clinic. This has been one of my pet projects for years, and I can't wait to see it come to fruition with the right person at the helm! Please share with aspiring clinicians!
Visiting Professor Medical-Legal Partnership RUTGERS LAW SCHOOL invites applications for a non tenure visiting clinical faculty position in the Camden location to begin in the summer of 2024. The positions are funded by a major appropriation fro...
I don’t recall the circumstances that led me to share my cell phone number with the Democrats, but it’s a decision that I regret deeply. Who are all of these randos asking for my money? Leave me be!!
There is no good reason not to do this immediately. Frankly, it should’ve already happened.
NEW: Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri calls to repeal the Comstock Act, becoming the first elected lawmaker to do so (I believe). Republicans want Trump to enforce Comstock to ban abortion nationwide
“This is a prominent provision, it’s not obscure” says Alito about a zombie statute that he and his anti-abortion buddies refuse to call by its name and tell the NYT that they’re trying to keep secret until they can try to use it to ban abortion nationwide.
Who's ready to watch a totally infuriating Supreme Court argument? So glad that they got themselves out of the business of abortion. Seems to be working out.
Live Oral Argument Audio Live Oral Argument Audio
Just arrived at my hotel and watched with absolute horror as 3 (!) huge buses spit out dozens of teenagers who ambled into the lobby. I pray the chaperones are about the business or somebody might get hurt tonight!