Liz Sepper

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Liz Sepper

Law Professor at the University of Texas at Austin. Fan of health law, religious liberty, and reproductive rights
I saw the avett brothers at red rocks. It's fair to say I have never done anything whiter in my life
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Claim: Unqualified Black women were hired as Northwestern law profs because white men are discriminated against. Actuality: The women being demeaned are top scholars who law schools fought over to hire. Creep who filed suit wants anon tips and large file attachments to show reverse discrimination.
Feels like an opportunity for the internet to go to work. Want to give "tips" to anti-abortion anti-equality Jonathan Mitchell? Submit your anonymous comments here Faculty, Alumni, & Students Opposed to Racial Preferences
Feels like an opportunity for the internet to go to work. Want to give "tips" to anti-abortion anti-equality Jonathan Mitchell? Submit your anonymous comments here
If you haven't been to FASORP's webpage, it's quite clear its mission is to disrupt faculty hiring processes and law reviews for the purpose of making academia whiter than it already is. There are many organizations like this designed to torture Black and Brown academics. Faculty, Alumni, & Students Opposed to Racial Preferences
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The Christian right leadership is accustomed to registering complaints that the R nominee or platform falls short of their demanding expectations. But they've never done it *after* having turned the nominee into the hand of God.
Excellent (and sobering) thread on the RNC, the Christian Right, and abortion/marriage equality
Washington Post has more on the story first in Politico the other day about the clashes between the Christian right and the Trump campaign/RNC on platform drafting. It's getting heated, but what will it amount to? 🧵1/x
Tempers flare as Trump team revises abortion plank for Republican The former president wants the platform to endorse leaving the issue to the states rather than a federal ban in the wake of Roe v. Wade’s demise.
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“Are you still a believer in America? Because at seven, it’s marginal, right?”
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“This is my home because I've been here most of my life,” said Eduardo Batista, a newly-naturalized US citizen originally from Mexico. “And I just want to be living here and following the laws, and I love this country.” Congratulations to all our new Americans. You make our nation stronger. 🇺🇸
Tomorrow is the fourth. If America weren't great, we wouldn't care about keeping it. I love that our country is truly multiracial, all of us have "American" names, we care a lot less about class than other countries (in my work, this means lots of 1st gen students indistinguishable from the rest)
💯 I am not a safe space for talk of escape to Europe or Canada. All I hear is that you are selfish, cowardly, and either wildly well-resourced or deluded about your prospects abroad
Wasn’t going to wade into discourse on here again yet but let me just say, the jokes and threats (or whatever they are) from U.S. folks of relative privilege about leaving the country give away a lot of how people locate themselves, or rather don’t, in relation to neighbors and community.
I am reading a novel, and then another novel. I am on vacation and you can't make me read a whole supreme court opinion. And I wish for all of us that we come to live in a country where no one needs know the names of justices or care what they say
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The Supreme Court’s ruling putting presidents above the law must be understood not simply as a grant of immunity for past crimes, but an enthusiastic endorsement of those he will commit if given the chance.
The Supreme Court Gives Its Blessing to Trump’s And gives him permission for a despotic second term.
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I don't ever want to fucking hear again that Roberts is an institutionalist.
So Biden should have punched him in the debate...officially
Bloomberg finds the silver lining in the Supreme Court's attack on regulation. Turn that frown upside down, admin law friends!
My son said wistfully tonight, "I'd switch places with my toddler cousin if I could. then I'd be young again." He is seven
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Kagan's response on this is perfect. I'm not sure Roberts would even disagree that this is his preferred modus operandi.
"The Court, for its part, has not deferred to an agency interpretation under Chevron since 2016." And that is supposed to reflect the incoherence of Chevron, as opposed to the fact that there was a major change to the Court's personnel in January 2016?
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As someone who works at the agency (NOAA) that just lost Relentless, I would like to welcome the Justices to fisheries management 101. I have six pages of acronyms you will need to learn. I’m assuming you have already taken PhD level classes in Bayesian statistics and are a fluent R programmer.
In a fucked up turn of events, I would use the end of Chevron as the excuse to expand the court and the whole judiciary by pointing out that they don’t have the capacity to hear all the cases they just gave themselves. 27 justices, double the size of the circuits. Huh. Thanks John Roberts.
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Also, it is ironic that the unintentional legislative architect of institutional conscience rights was Sen. Frank Church (D-ID). He thought his Church Amendment was a minor concession to religious hospitals that would have little impact. Notably, he insisted it wouldn’t apply in an emergency. Sigh.
2. Barrett/Rob/Kav adopt a radical interpretation of federal conscience laws (conceded by the SG as part of a, as it turns out, foolhardy strategy). Hospitals, they say, bear no EMTALA duties where they have a "conscientious" objection. This is new. Religious hospitals thought EMTALA applied to them
Note two radical futures portended by the conservative justices' opinions: 1. Alito/Thomas/Gorsuch would hold that EMTALA not only does not require but also bans emergency abortions. Across the country, ER docs would have to treat a fetus/embryo as co-equal to (or superior to?) the pregnant person
There it is: SCOTUS DIGs (dismisses as improvidently granted) the EMTALA cases (on emergency abortion treatment in Idaho), as we learned from their inadvertent post yesterday
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As says, this is a massive election year gift to the Republican Party. Instead of the consequences of right-wing extremism being fully on display, the story will be a "muddled legal landscape" with the suggestion that federal law can save us from red state legislatures.
There it is: SCOTUS DIGs (dismisses as improvidently granted) the EMTALA cases (on emergency abortion treatment in Idaho), as we learned from their inadvertent post yesterday
Everyone: watch john oliver on project 2025 and get educated Me, watches: I absolutely should be watching MILF Manor, thank you everyone
This decision from the Oklahoma Supreme Court--holding that public charter schools can't be religious--is going straight to the Supreme Court. And there's a very high risk that the court will fundamentally undermine public schooling
The OK court does a good job distinguishing charters from privates to avoid Carson v Makin but ADF will seek cert. on this issue and my sense is that the Court will expand it and Fulton to say “if you have charters at all, you can’t exclude religious ones.”
My Sunday night in a word: LICE
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Dear Reporters, If you’re interviewing a theocrat who says “all our laws are based on the Ten Commandments” and you don’t immediately ask them to provide evidence and examples for that laughably stupid claim, just go ahead and quit your job.
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Hi everyone, just joined here literally 30 seconds ago. Tried Threads, now I'm here. I'm a law prof at UCLA. Here's a first post: Can you distinguish real Supreme Court justices doing “history-and-tradition” from parody? It's time for a Rahimi pop quiz! 👀
Balkinization: It’s Time for a Rahimi Pop Quiz! A group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics
Admin nerds, 5th Circuit just issued Braidwood v Becerra, involving apptments clause challenge to the ACA preventive services mandate. It doesn't vacate all recs as district ct did and limits injunction to parties. But on 1st skim, I'm concerned about the future of preventive services. Should I be?
This one - involving the definition of liberty under the Constitution - is going to lead to a LOT of tea leaf reading about Justice Barrett and about the future of other liberties (same-sex marriage, contraception, etc)
Second is State v. Muñoz. Barrett has the decision holding a citizen has no fundamental liberty interest in their noncitizen spouse being allowed in the country. Sotomayor, joined by Kagan and Jackson, dissent.
I cannot believe I get to speak at the Aspen Health Ideas festival. And my word is this place jawdroppingly gorgeous
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So, even within Christianity, the Ten Commandments aren't precisely the same across traditions — the text is translated and even *numbered* differently. This law appears to mandate the KJV version — a Bible translation entire Christian traditions reject.
The Ten Commandments must be displayed in Louisiana classrooms under requirement signed into Louisiana has become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom. Republican Gov.