Sarah Lipton-Lubet

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Sarah Lipton-Lubet

Advocate. Feminist. Court reform enthusiast.
Correction -- Washington Post. Same carelessness/purposefully misleading critique applies.
❗❗❗It literally says embryos should have 14th amendment rights. Right there in the second sentence. "Softens" must be NYT for dissembles.
❗❗❗It literally says embryos should have 14th amendment rights. Right there in the second sentence. "Softens" must be NYT for dissembles.
[R] legs good, [D] legs bad. Next?
Gear up for several years of doctrinal chaos as courts try to figure out how to deal with regs in complex areas that the judges can't possibly understand ...
im·prov·i·dent·ly: Republican justice speak for "oops, doesn't help our party to do this before November"
As says, this is a massive election year gift to the Republican Party. Instead of the consequences of right-wing extremism being fully on display, the story will be a "muddled legal landscape" with the suggestion that federal law can save us from red state legislatures.
Bump stocks have no purpose outside of mass shootings, but the Republicans on the Supreme Court believe there's a fundamental right to commit mass shootings, and now we all have to live with that while they party on billionaire's yachts and ranches.
This is the Thomas opinion: a parsing of firing mechanics to assess of whether a semiautomatic rifle with bump stock meets the federal definition of "machine gun"
Analysis: Alito portrays himself as so meekly subordinate to his wife’s dominion that he won’t act to remove an insurrection flag he objects to from their house for days w/o her consent. But he also asserts no reasonable person could question the independence of his judgment on insurrection matters.
According to Alito, male Supreme Court justices have absolutely zero input into the flags their wives fly at their homes. But married women must notify their spouses if they intend to have an abortion (per Alito’s dissent in Planned Parenthood vs. Casey)
Alito says that when he saw his wife flying the flag upside down, he asked her to take it down, but "for several days, she refused." "My wife and I own our Virginia home jointly. She therefore has the legal right to use the property as she sees fit."
As Appellate Judge, Alito Ruled on Key Abortion
Any news story about the Supreme Court that doesn't cast its decisions as part of a plan to remake the government and the country to better suit White Christian nationalists is truly failing its audience.
I hope people understand that what we are seeing is the systematic destruction of the civil war amendments by the Supreme Court, which are what made America and actual democracy and upon which all minority rights in the United States rely
This Court will casually accuse elected officials and civil rights plaintiffs of religious bigotry (against conservative Christians) and compare women who have abortions to eugenicists. But says you should never, ever, ever accuse someone of racial discrimination (unless it is against white people).
Kagan's dissent in the South Carolina voting case is a tour de force of righteous trolling. Line after line calls out Alito's perfidy, pettiness, and malevolence. It's hard to pick which is best, but I've gotta go with these:
For those keeping score at home, 22% of the justices with lifetime Supreme Court appointments had a partner who either (a) texted the White House supporting the insurrection or (b) flew a flag supporting the insurrection outside their house. What would you say if you saw it in another country?
"It’s hard to imagine a more blatant f-you to the American public than proudly displaying a vestige of a failed coup attempt on the country you’re supposed to serve right on your front lawn." - ▶️ "Alito has disqualified himself from legitimate service" on #SCOTUS
How in the world President Biden, Sens. Schumer, Durbin, Leader Jeffries or any other national Democrat can be okay with insurrectionist sympathizers like Alito and Thomas still serving on #SCOTUS? In what world this is okay? How can Biden/Dems look just the other way?
"Ignoring the Comstock threat or waiting for a more politically convenient time—whenever that may be—is only going to exacerbate our post-Dobbs human rights crisis." on our new memo w/ urging Congress to #CancelComstock:
There’s Movement On a Comstock Act Advocates press members of Congress in a new memo highlighting Comstock's threats.
That said, no one should interpret today's CFPB decision as proof that the Supreme Court is "moderating" or "compromising" or "shifting to the center." Not at all. The decision is evidence of how totally lawless the 5th Circuit has become—because this case shouldn't even exist!
Anti-abortion groups, the GOP, and Trump are all getting free press for purportedly not wanting a national abortion ban because they have trained political press to ask a bad question over and over! Meanwhile: Jonathan Mitchell is smiling and Harlan Crow is writing a check.
Had a great time speaking with Lisa for her fiery new podcast.
NEW: Lisa Graves talks to providers & experts — including TBTC Pres. — about how Dobbs was not the end of the right-wing Supreme Court's attacks on abortion. It was the beginning of a new, more sinister phase. Listen 👇👇👇
‎Grave Injustice: A Right-Wing Conspiracy Overturned Roe. They’re Back for Abortion Pills on Apple ‎Show Grave Injustice, Ep A Right-Wing Conspiracy Overturned Roe. They’re Back for Abortion Pills - May 9, 2024
Greek Supreme Court on Wednesday: A violent, fascist crime organization is banned from running as a party in the upcoming elections. U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday: Is an ex-president who tried a coup to overturn democracy immune from prosecution? Better wait until after his next election to decide
Far-Right Greek Party Is Banned From E.U. Parliament The Supreme Court in Greece found that Spartans had “offered their party as a cloak” for the former spokesman of the banned neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn.
Again, I wrote this back in February, because it has been obvious all along what the Supreme Court is doing.
People overrate money in how the supreme court works and underrate the pure, uncut fanaticism of the people sitting on it
Let's say -- hypothetically -- a public official's spouse urges state legislators to conspire in overturning the election and sending the Biden family to "barges off of Gitmo" -- immunity or super immunity? - Thomas, probably
I mean Justice Barrett asking whether the federal govt can condition access to federal funds on a private entity’s compliance with a federal condition that overrides state law…….that’s the whole premise of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Putting aside how little Alito seems to understand law or medicine, here's a scotus justice parsing whether pregnant people deserve medical care when their risk of organ failure might be "temporary" not permanent. What a gotcha Sam. You sure showed us. Those radical organ-failure-preventing libs!