
Yo it's Ishmael, this one's all about going to sea, click like and subscribe
I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.
I want to ask the person who thought of this---have you ever READ a book? Do you know WHY people read books? I don't need my life turned into cliffs notes FFS
It's very handy for all those four year olds trying to read The Great Gatsby.
It's probably for people learning English.
I read books in French to help improve my French (and because I enjoy it). I do this by choosing books with straightforward language, or often by reading a book I know well in English translated into French. I do not look for a dumbed-down version of A La Recherceh Du Temp Perdu.
Literally said the same thing. Purpose of my comment was to point out that MANY people do this. I don't judge bc many don't read at all, and rely on apps. I found copies of Maigret in "francais facile" but Simenon's language is already so Hemingway-like in it's simplicity, it seemed pointless.
Yes, and it's better to read a book originally written in the target language that has been simplified than one written in your native language. Because the idioms and style should still be there (if NOT written by AI but by human being). The best option is to find writers who use simple language.