
the extent to which the judiciary is powergrabbing for the judiciary is really something
The only institution that can stop them is Congress and they know that's a dead letter so why the fuck not, who is going to stop them
Which is why they’ll, probably, say a president has no immunity. Why would they let someone else have power over them? If a president decides it’s a duty to just outright remove SCOTUS justices, there’s nothing to stop them.
This is why "breaking Congress" was the other pillar of McConnell's legacy. The pillar of "control the judiciary" doesn't work nearly as well without it
Like, half of these decisions could be undone in a day by a functional Congress.
Enshrining the right's hatred of expertise and preference for vibes-based resolutions.
Marbury vs Madison level, but for evil.
I actually partially agree with Gorsuch's trolly take that if Congress doesn't like the interpretations they can rewrite the law, except it ignores practical realities about how hard it is to pass laws, shorter legislative tenure, longer waits for rulings, etc.