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Trust me. I’m a doctor.
As has been clear for a long time now
כל עד נתניהו ראש ממשלה, החטופים לא יחזרו.
Checking in on Google reviews
{heavy sigh} My “I wouldn’t eat a human” chyron is prompting a lot of questions already answered by the chyron
Roses are red, Curry has cumin,
Would appreciate the bird sacrifices in the backyard to stop. They’re getting bolder and bigger
{half the district court judges in Texas and Louisiana} Lol. Lmao
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration proposed a rule Tuesday outlining steps employers must take to protect indoor and outdoor workers from the risk of heat illness, the first major regulation aimed at preventing heat-related deaths on the job.
OSHA proposes rule to protect workers exposed to extreme The proposal comes as workers face risks from rising temperatures fueled by climate change. Biden has issued an order to prevent workplace heat deaths.
I am shocked, shocked, to find that gambling is going on here
It’s how you end up with situations like this - when rights aren’t explicit they can be taken away without process or debate, in the blink of an eye
Roxie, one of China’s few lesbian bars, closes its Yet another sign that life is getting harder for gay people in the country
July 1 interns are extraordinarily thorough and also have a ton of supervision from more experienced clinicians. July gets a bad rap, later on is when those same folks tend to be a bit more dangerous
My wife has been a physician for almost 25 years. She has been teaching staff. She has been a program director. With all that in mind - Who has two thumbs and booked an appointment at a clinic at a teaching hospital in the earliest open 1 July slot?
There’s no such thing as an illegal order, per this decision
Fwiw the obstacle to "the President drone strikes an opponent" isn't and was never fear of prosecution after leaving office, but their ability to have clearly illegal orders carried out. This is similar to the "you don't need to pass a law to have the power to stop a coup" priniciple.
The Marshall of the Supreme Court has spoken
BREAKING: The Supreme Court rejects Steve Bannon’s request to stay out of prison pending any remaining appeals of his contempt of Congress conviction. He is due to report to prison for a four-month sentence by Monday.
Rushing to Amarillo to challenge every single rule there is
Gen Z checkin themselves into the ER
Also, man, this LL season was a bloodbath
Turn on MLB Network, get bombarded with betting lines, turn off MLB network
-$7200 might be the worst jeopardy performance I’ve ever seen, celebrities included
Second time in a week I’ve found one of these into the backyard. Would prefer to not have someone making bird sacrifices
Guess we’re using the date line here N: Fairbanks E: Sydney S: wherever the southernmost point was on the round from Melbourne to the Twelve Apostles W: Kauai
Using longitude from Greenwich: N: Oslo E: Rotoura NZ S: South shore of Lake Pukaki NZ W: Ka'ena Pt., Oahu
Extremely niche skeet but I’m sad about this. Despite my initial skepticism about it, C4 was unbelievably helpful
For those wondering, *this* is what a weapons-grade HIPAA violation looks like
If you see this, post a picture you took at sunset
if you see this, post a picture you took at sunset
Gonna show up to work in this (h/t @marklewismd in the bad place)
Apollo 13 is closer to Apollo 13 than to the present day. Gone with the Wind is closer to the actual civil war than the present day
“We’ll share Pat Sajak’s post-wheel plans!” The plans:
Avatar man, blocking the crank even nuked my reply to you QTing him even though my reply didn’t mention him at all. Love it
lol Hogan ad emphasizing abortion rights. Good luck with that one
Feel like the urologic societies should come out with a Very Strongly worded statement on the ethics of this
I get paid for this crap. Wife doesn’t. Solution—guess I’m doing them both
We find the defendant incredibly guilty