
and a scheduled event that starts after 8 with a plane ride after is not very much like a scheduled event that starts at 8 and then you go home.
Trump’s public schedule showed that on most days, he worked (“worked”), like three hours a day. And this isn’t even a “Biden can’t work late at night” issue. It’s a Biden is pulling back on SCHEDULED EVENTS that start after 8pm, which is actually a good idea for most people.
i mean, it’s different because the president doesn’t have to deal with TSA, but, like, anyone who has ever taken a business trip can sympathize with how taxing it is to travel for work and most normal people try to schedule enough time to go to the hotel and sleep before they have to do anything
Yep. Saw someone saying "jetlag two weeks on, come on!" and all I could think was, wait until you hit your forties. I'm only 57 and I run, bike, lift weights, and head up a smol local government when I'm not writing books. Jetlag kills me every damn time, sometimes for weeks.
Once I missed a flight and had to take a later one, causing me to have to go to an academic conference the same day I arrived. I literally almost passed out at one point and I was in my 30s.
Why I always thought Secretary of State is the most grueling US gov. job.
George W. Bush took half the year off. Give me a break with this.
TBF his plane ride is in a suite, but it's not like he gets to spend the night in the plane. That's a nap at best