
Been having a lot of suicidal ideation lately. It's not impossible to overcome, I think. But I would say there's been a noticeable uptick along with my generalized anxiety problems thanks to everything going on. I think I'll be fine, but I just wanted to get a little of that off my chest.
Don't know if it helps, but I eventually just ended up angry at it. I got pissed back at life and kept going out of spite. Now the anger has burned down a bit, but the will to keep going stuck around.
Spite is the most powerful force in the universe.
Times like that always suck 🫂
You're not alone, friend. In either of those things. The situation over the last week in specific and nine years in general has been horrific. But we'll get through this. Don't do their job for them. They want us gone? They'll have to do it with their own hands.
Take your time Psu... Shit is rough. I hope you get to feel better soon
Take your time, I'm with you there. You do great work so please, rest your mind.
I have really dark thoughts rush through my mind lately. Here in solidarity. We can only hope for better and keep going.
Sometimes ya gotta speak it for a moment to confront it. It's a challenging storm to weather, but it does clear with patience and kindness to yourself. I know you'll make it through.
Sorry to hear about the struggles, friend. I’ve get GA problems too, so I relate. I don’t want it to sound empty, but please know we’d be sad to see you go, and are glad for all the big and little things you have and love to share. Take your time to take care of yourself rn.
Also, let us know if you need help. Even if it’s just silly memes, pet pics, or doodles to get through the day with a smile. Small happinesses are just as important as grand possibilities. 🧡
I think it's safe to say you have tons of people here for you. If you ever want to talk, feel free to hit me up. For me, it helps to remember that there always more to see and do.
🫂 have definitely been there, sending all the good vibes ✨
I’m just a fan, but hey, here to support.
💪 sending you my goodest vibes. been there, it sucks, i hope identifying it/getting it out in the open helps you get a handle on it.
Sending love and good vibes ur way 🫂
I’m in the same boat. I’m sorry to hear that. There has to be a light on the other side, right?
talk to somebody close to you, friends, family. it will help.
Well a problem shared is a problem halved. Hang in there, mate.
I've been dealing with the same kinds of thoughts, especially over the past month. I don't know if it helps to know you're not alone, but at least know people are there for you.
I've been there. In my case, I was able to reach out to the VA and get some therapy lined up and some mild anti-depressants and a low down anti-anxiety med prescribed, and that's helped me. I also learned to practice Mindfulness, and remind myself, "Your feelings are real, but they are not fact."
It was an eye opener for me several years ago when I was talking to a therapist and he asked me if I had suicidal thoughts. Me: "I don't want to do anything to hurt myself, but I wouldn't mind if something else killed me". Therapist: "Those are a form of suicidal thoughts."
It helped me in that it broadened my sense of what kinds of thought patterns I needed to be mindful of. (And I know you may already be aware, but I wanted to say this for the sake of anyone that might read this that my experience might help.)
I really hope things improve. I know it’s not easy and small comfort, but all we can do is hope it gets better.
Late to the party (this is a shit party) but you’re not alone. Stay. Even if it’s from pure spite, stay.
Been there. I have no advice but the knowledge that it gets better in time.
Sometimes all we can do is reach out and talk about it. We love you friend.
Sorry you're going through that. Just know that you have people who care about you.