
Let it be the new “Infrastructure Week.”
Maybe throw in the recently released Epstein grand jury testimony as a bonus
And with the Stormy Daniels testimony, the allegation that he raped a 13-y.o. is more credible—both in terms of how he silences victims and when the alleged victim dropped the suit (11/16)
yes, but also, he stole from a charity. how many people know that? seriously, he stole from a charity! hey people, are you going to make that person your guy?
TPM just put out a piece on the NY Times and how they get hyper-focused on things like "But Her Emails" and "boy, Biden sure is old," so this story will be a half-day blip at best. BOY, would I like to be wrong on that!
Put it on Tik Tok
If we could just Rick and Morty our way into that ever so slightly less awful parallel universe.
But what about the more important news that Biden is old???
You're right! We should definitely be talking about how convicted felon Donald J Trump is a) old and b) a convicted rapist.
And a traitor. This gets brushed aside too often, but I think it's a really bad thing.
I feel like it's less that people don't know, and more that they don't care.
I'm not sure people really understood what the case was about. We call it a "defamation" case, not a "rape" case. Like. It had to be spelled out for me that it was literally about whether he had raped her.
Everyone knows this, you goobers. We’re talking about replacing Biden because we have the power to do that. We have no way of making swing-voters take any allegations against DT seriously. If we did, they wouldn’t be swing voters.
What a weird thing to bring into a conversation about convicted felon Donald J Trump - who has also been found guilty of rape.
You’re clearly referencing the Biden situation in your original post. I didn’t bring anything in, other than the fact that his rape… conviction? Confirmed allegation?… his raping of E Jean Carroll has been talked about for months if not years at this point. Tragically, it hasn’t moved the needle.
You're right, though. We need to spend more time talking about the fact that, legally, Donald J Trump, the GOP nominee for president, is a rapist. Have you asked your family how they feel about that?
My family isn’t voting for Trump. But we live in Texas, so our votes don’t matter.
So then you'll be phone banking? Precinct walking? What will you be doing to make sure that convicted felon, thief, and rapist Donald Trump will not be in the Whitehouse?