
have taken some solid shots today for being both too pro-Biden and too anti-Biden, political bluesky definitely has The Juice
by now it feels like they're all weird elections
every election since 2016 has been deeply disturbing and, tbf, all have a single and very obvious commonality that made them that way
To all the people who say things like "I'm sick of hearing how 'this election is the most important one yet'", I'm sick of hearing it too but that doesn't make it any less true
I mean ... it's also wrong. 2024 isn't the most important election of your lifetime. 2016 was. We fucked it up. 2024 is just another year of trying to put the toothpaste back into the toothpaste tube with chopsticks, and it's grim and boring and timeconsuming and it sucks but also it is what it is.
Honestly, 2000 was 1) our last good chance to decarbonize, and 2) when a large portion of our country, backed by 5 Justices, decided there was a Constitutional Right for Republicans to "win" elections.
Fair enough. We fucked up 2016 and in doing so raised both the stakes and the difficulty level going forward
America gave the guy who said "I'll accept the election if I win" the keys to the white house, and ever since then we have not had peaceful transitions of power. Like all elections from here on are going to be playing on hard mode to keep fascism at bay until that norm slowly and eventually returns.
When the guy who says elections only count if I win becomes chief executive, historically speaking a necessary precondition to the resumption of free elections is him and all of his high command approaching room temperature in a bunker
If we are very, very lucky, that is
Honest question: is that something "norms" do?
Yes. Norms emerge through historical practice, sometimes by enforcement, sometimes through social pressure, sometimes just by "it's always been that way"
The biggest problem with Joe Biden is the one that Leftists DON'T want to talk to you about... That he didn't run in 2016
I miss you on twitter