
If voting and elections weren't important, billionaires wouldn't bother paying tens of millions of dollars to run ads to win them
Exactly and exactly the same logic applies to the amount of anti-Unionization efforts are paid for by corporations
They’re able to buy influence way too cheaply, thanks to #SCOTUS Justice Roberts’ Citizens United
Given how all of the money "donated" to Trump ends up funneled through shell companies never to be seen again, yet he can afford his own full sized jet to fly from court to court.
You say "never to be seen again" but we know some of it goes to his golf clubs and his legal defense. Transparency!
You mean like how the Trump properties charged the secret service insane rates so they could protect him?
How is it that Mr Mellon, with his surplus Fifty Milly, feels that America is failing him so bad that he has to burn it all down?
The system is working as designed. Democracy to the highest bidder since citizens United
I understand how empiricism and a clear theory of change can correlate with material success, but I wish it did not correlate so much with being horrible. The smartest (partisan) media figure in modern history was Roger Ailes. Political donor(s), the Kochs. Politician, Dick Cheney.
By ‘smart’ here I mean know the steps needed to make a thing you want happen in the real world. The Kochs for example weren’t born savvy, they spent a shocking amount of money A/B testing different advocacy strategies.
The tax write off they will get too is just sick.
Look at least he made that money fair and square! …. Wait I am getting an update ….
Bloomberg has given Biden $20 million. what if they all just go fuck themselves. i’m too poor to give a shit about this circus of sociopathic mass murders
voting is important but billionares wasting 8 figure sums on shit that doesn't work is not exactly news
But chicks dig my nihilist cynicism