Tim Feinstein

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Tim Feinstein


Ph.D. ex-academic, self-published author of “A Heuristic Guide To Quantitative Imaging”, territory manager at Copia Scientific.
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This. Pedophile rapist w. 37 felony convictions. Also: emerging information about the epidemic of sexual harassment in his 2020 campaign.
NB we can call him a pedophile. Did you read/see that Epstein affidavit re DJT that surfaced last week? I had to look it up because I wasn’t sure it was real. The two girls were 12 & 13. Now my fantasy is that brain bleach exists.
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Maybe it's time that the @nytimes.com should step aside for a younger, fitter, more coherent newspaper.
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Jesus Christ. This has been out since at least yesterday and this is the first I've seen of it, but of course in that time I've seen 3000 ZOMG BIDEN MUST RESIGN pieces. And that's just at the NYT.
Looks like something useful is happening on the Nazi site - this court document about Donald Trump’s involvement in the Epstein case is going viral This is a disgusting read
Walked through the Library of Congress today. It’s beautiful. It feels like a small relief that it could likely survive the coming years because Trump can’t read and likely does not know it exists.
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occurs to me that bribing the president is now /always/ legal, since in every case the only way to distinguish gratuity from bribe is via evidence that could never be admissible
Bo pondering how, if we could bring Apollo 13 home safely, then we can find a solution for this toy he just dropped in the laundry bin where he can’t reach it.
pet posting hours please
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The fact that Biden has delivered on left-wing policy far better than any president in generations but is widely despised by left-wing voters reflects more poorly on left-wing institutions and voters than on Biden. This is not a movement showing political maturity, and I say that as a left-winger
I feel like the main political divide on this website is between “Joe Biden is terrible and old and I hate him” and “Joe Biden is terrible and old and I will crawl over broken glass to vote for a rancid ham sandwich against Donald Trump” very few people are actually huge fans of the guy
Reposted byAvatar Tim Feinstein
I was at the Trump Tower Charlottesville press conference. Trump clearly called them "fine people."
Reposted byAvatar Tim Feinstein
TIL an ancient Egyptian pregnancy test was pissing in a sack of wheat and seeing if it sprouted and apparently 1) it’s about 70-85% accurate and 2) it tests for the exact same hormones that ClearBlue is testing for
Take kids to aquariums! When my 2-3 year old daughter had to be dragged from the zoo like a fire alarm going off, *every* *damn* *time*, I knew for sure she was my kid.
I got to take my daughter to an aquarium today. It was not her first time, but it was the first time she had been to one with the ability to comprehend what she was seeing. A toddler’s “Wow!” needs to be bottled and sold as a street drug.
Reposted byAvatar Tim Feinstein
Trump is the ultimate example of the phenomenon where someone with a reputation for being an asshole somehow gets permission to be an asshole because it's an inherent feature of his character.
I'm just a simple country political scientist but I'm pretty sure if any other major presidential candidate said this it'd be covered none stop for weeks and everyone would agree that their campaign was over
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For fathers and children, Father’s Day can be a wondeful celebration of what you have or a devastating annual reminder of what you’ve lost. I encompass both, and I see you all.
Used bookstore haul for today: Petrarch, Lucretius, The Far Side, and one of the Onion collections. When the wife gives me her MORE BOOKS?? look I will defend each of these equally fiercely.
The first class of professionals to really grapple with climate change was always going to be insurance actuaries. If it helps, they’ll have a lot of company soon.
One of the most amazing market failures of our lifetime: despite climate experts warning the insurance industry for years and years, they just refused to take the issue seriously. A metaphor. 🌎💡polisky Swiss Re says industry failed to estimate impact of extreme weather on.ft.com/3RpdFRC
Swiss Re says industry failed to estimate impact of extreme weatheron.ft.com Global insured losses from natural catastrophes exceeded $100bn for fourth consecutive year in 2023
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TIL that Tolkien had started on a sequel to Lord of The Rings, taking place 100 years later, in which men were bored with peace, conspiracies & cults were forming, "boys were playing at being Orcs and going around doing damage" He gave it up: too depressing tolkiengateway.net/wiki/The_New...
The New Shadowtolkiengateway.net The New Shadow is an incomplete sequel (approximately 13 pages) to The Lord of the Rings that J.R.R. Tolkien quickly abandoned. The manuscript was published as chapter...
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Over 5 petabytes of JUMP Cell Painting data downloaded/accessed so far 😮 🚀🚀🚀 It's such a slog making data and then prettying it up, but wow! That is some serious usage that makes it all worthwhile. So far 45 papers use it. Thanks to AWS Registry of Open Data for freely hosting for the community!
Aside from the cool factor of a tiny molecule that gets ubiquitinated like a protein, this is the kind of sentence that perks up a scientist even better than morning coffee: “The compound is broadly cytotoxic, especially to cancer cell lines and immortalized cell lines in general”
'Here's a new preprint that describes something I've never seen before, and had honestly never even thought about. It's a small molecule (...) that itself gets ubiquitinated, which is a bit odd, since you usually think of ubiquitination as a process where proteins act on other proteins.'
A Ubiquitin Spongewww.science.org
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Like, if your university hires the rpk Group, you know cuts and layoffs are coming. They have the same set of recommendations for every higher-ed client, and just cut and paste specific institutions' names. They're the embodiment of "if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem is a nail"
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The word *Speed* in Norwegian is fart, leading to exactly what you imagine happened in 1994.
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Unemployment rate: —May 2020: 13.2% —May 2024: 3.9% S&P closing level: —May 15, 2020: 2,864 —May 15, 2024: 5,308. [Stock market ≠ the economy, but still. ] Weekly COVID deaths: —May 2020: 6,900 —May 2024: 294 "Are you better off than you were four years ago?"
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Postdoc position available in my lab in Southern France - If you are interested in the role of crosstalk in marine microbial interactions in sea anemones, please apply before 5 July! #coralreef #microbiology @upvd1 @criobe_pf Job offer below. Pls share! 🪸🧫🧬
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Under Biden's administration crime is out of control.
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'But if you step back from the smears, you realize that climatology has been one of history’s great analytical triumphs. Climate scientists correctly predicted, decades in advance, an unprecedented rise in global temperatures. hey even appear to have gotten the magnitude more or less right'
Opinion | The Stench of Climate Change Denialwww.nytimes.com What overflowing septic tanks tell us about the future.
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Seeing a lot of "this story is depressing not inspiring!" And yeah. Here's an actually inspiring story you may not know about: school lunch (and breakfast!) in Massachusetts is free for all students starting in 23-24 thanks to Democrats using money from the voter-passed millionaire's tax to fund it
A fifth grader has paid off the entire meal debt, and then some, for his elementary school. In a video shared to his mom’s Facebook, Daken Kramer had challenged “friends, family and local businesses to donate what they can to this cause.” He wound up turning in a check for more than $7,300.
A Missouri fifth grader raised enough money to pay off his entire school’s meal debt | CNNwww.cnn.com Kids can now eat without breaking the piggy bank – at least, at Thomas Ultican Elementary School – thanks to fifth grader Daken Kramer.
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None of this stuff really matters for climate change. The big items for us as individuals are: - how much & how clean we drive & travel - how much & how clean we heat & cool our homes (and we should heat and cool as much as we need to be safe) - the carbon intensity of what we eat - do we vote
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Trump: We need a Muslim ban Media: gross rhetoric, but immigration is a campaign issue Trump: (wins) here is my muslim ban Media: what Courts: sounds illegal DOJ: for legal reasons let's pretend it's not a muslim ban SCOTUS: is this a muslim ban Trump: yes DOJ: he meant no SCOTUS: ok then it's fine