
anyway, in conclusion, america, you in danger, girl
never a bad thing to make sure your passports are all in date and what your company's remote working policy is
Literally texted my wife on that very topic
We've talked about that, and tbh, don't have much beyond, keep our heads low and try to survive. (We're older, so not as aggressive about fighting back as we were when younger.) But, is that enough? I worry about an encounter w/the law, w/my name, even though I was born here 60+ years ago.
Yeah for me it would mean abandoning my grandfather and my in-laws 🫤 But I'm also not sure I'm willing to have the local Stasi show up at my doorstep after 10 years of criminal defense work and even longer social media history
Did you like London enough? :)
Too cold 😆 But otherwise a lovely city, yes
I’ve thought about this and I’m not sure there would be a safe place to run. It would only be a matter of time before the Trump admin teams up with Russia, China, and North Korea to start taking things over. Who would stop them?
None of those places like Trump, they just like that Trump is bad for America, because America is bad for the world.
Narrower options for us, sadly
Do I need to make plans to escape this country and find another trans sanctuary Canada doesn’t seems to be an option either
I’ll found a BlueSky kibbutz (Blubbutz™) in Portugal and you can all come as my employees (I assume without looking this is all legal and will work splendidly)
I hope that works for an international student 🙃
When I was in Portugal a guy who took us on a boat ride said you could buy a passport through some government program for $500k. I don’t have that, but it’s a nice thought 🙂
Google searches for “Canada asylum policy” doing numbers rn
might be time to find out if the Virginia Bar Association cares if my primary residence is Ljubljana
Australia welcomes immigrants. 29% of our population is foreign born. Just. Don't. Come. By. Boat.
my wife's employer (UC) sent out an email a few months back clarifying their policy that this is absolutely not allowed, and it was heartbreaking since other faculty had previously been doing that
Best place to escape for good? Canada always an option. Portugal. Uruguay maybe?
Don’t taunt the rest of us who have no dual citizenship 😫My family has been here since 1620 (moms side) & 1630 (dads). I’m stuck here & feel so sick (& really angry)
Yeah look we are *ALL* in danger bc Trump will bring his policies everywhere. Sooo... IDK. But the Dems need to come up w/a spokesperson (in lieu of another candidate) to sell the message. It can be Obama but better someone young and new.
I've written about what Trump & his Grennell proxy did in Kosovo & luckily the election came & Trump voted out. But the repercussions are still here. But take a look at AFG where Trump made the deal w/the Taliban. And I'm not letting Biden off for that clusterfuck but. Trump will be a disaster.
the problem they'll have is any other spokesperson is going to just reinvite the question: "why are /you/ saying this and not the candidate?". Biden needs to improve, and, for better and for worse, it really does need to be him carrying the message
This is true. But the problem is he can't. He is old, he is slowing down. We have to lean into him being old, acknowledge it figure out a way to embrace it. Otherwise a convicted felon will be running America.
I was at the EU Commission in April discussing this possibility. And at least ppl are prepared now. But how do you have your convicted felon of a president doing business around the world?
There's no way to lean into him being old. America just won't vote for someone they think isn't up to the task. He needs to correct it or resign the presidency and let Harris run from the position of an incumbent. He needs to decide if he can do it. Because if he can't folks won't give him 4 years
This is basically the reason Ds in the US were freaking out. You can't run on a ticket of "my staff will run the show and if/when I die, Harris will be there". You just can't.
Only democrats can’t do that. Republicans can run on convicted felon, rapist, insurrectionist, nutcase, destroy democracy, and NY Times never demands he resign.
If we was going to resign so that Harris could run as an incumbent, he should have done it in early in 2023. (Preferably in late January - potentially giving the Ds just shy of 10 years of holding the Oval Office.) Resigning now won't give her a long enough track record before the election.
Harris won't win. Who else is there who could really win? And if you get him out now doesn't that damage the Dems even more? PPL won't vote for him if they think he can't do it. But if he can say yes I'm old but I'm physically & mentally there. He could turn it around. Reagan did it. He can too.
Reagan managed to pull it off & he literally was facing dementia then. I certainly hope Biden isn't but for a start: do more interviews.
Nobody. It's Biden or it's Harris.
Oddly, I think part of the problem is that we only really see Biden on special occasions so his style is shockingly unfamiliar, unlike Trump who has saturated the air for nearly a decade. We expect his rambling—we are attuned to it. Biden needs to get out there and deliver his message until 1/
people are familiar with his style and are comfortable with it. People are—let’s face it—uncomfortable with old people. Get over it. He’s what we have to work with. As you noted, he can deliver a message about values and he can do it as someone who has lived them.
Biden has been around since before I was born. He was a national figure when I was grade school. He was VP for 8 years. He needs to 1. Bring out his Mad Joe act 2. Do more media - esp interviews. 3. Recognize that he's 81. Embrace it. Lean into the wise old man thing or be the funny old man. Do it
Yeah, he’s in it now for better or worse
it's not just messaging though, Biden needs a time machine to go back and not waste his time in office. Trump is a giant threat, and Biden the messenger is hampered by Biden the President not taking it seriously
This meme was my spirit animal for the entire debate
In other words, nothing has changed.
It’s up to the people and always has been. It’s time to stand up and be counted on the right side of history or lose everything.