
Right. Folks are right to be upset -- this is a cycle with a low tolerance for mistakes -- but it's repairable. Put good biden on TV enough and folks will be willing to write-off bad debate Biden as a glitch. And do it fast so it doesn't settle into folks' minds as "learned knowledge"
Given that this is what they're doing Friday, I'd say "fast" is on the table.
Yeah, I'm frankly very relieved to see it, and I'm glad it's freaked them out a bit into realizing it's necessary
When you're getting nervous but "wait and see" quotes from people like Jeffries (, they'd better be freaked out.
folks might think we all sound like nervous wrecks here, but I'm not kidding the D political apparatus last night was freaking out a whole bunch more
Elsewhere I said that Biden took a stumble - anybody could! the problem is that the news cycle takes a long time to show you climbing back up.
I honestly can’t believe his team prepped him the way they did. He should literally have had ten bullet points. ▫️Q on abortion? “That’s Trump’s doing, I’ll codify Roe.” ▫️Q on jobs? “Trump sank infrastructure, I funded it.” Boom. Done. He was overprepared and it showed.
Simone Biles totally psyched herself out in spite of being exquisitely prepared.
gave herself the twisties. And I totally get it, I've done that to myself (not in athletics, I am not an athlete, but I have absolutely muffed talks or piano performances)
It all depends on if last night's Biden was a weird one-off, or if he makes another appearance.